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Once I woke up my mind registered everything that happened last night. I scanned my room until I realized what today is. I fell backward on my bed while groaning, not wanting to continue with the day. I rolled over, causing My eyes meet blue and green ones. I screamed then shot up from my laying position, but I soon calmed when I realized it was just Anti.

"Oh. Sorry." I apologized. The cat seemed to roll his eyes before jumping off the bed. I stood up and stripped from yesterday's clothing before changing into some running gear. Aliky likes to take her time at the store, so I have plenty of time to be out for a daily jog. I fed Anti before pulling on my shoes and heading out the door.

About 10 minutes into my jog, I started to get a bit tired. I told myself that I would make it around the entire park though, and I'll make sure I reach that goal. I stopped running when I found my favorite bench by the pond. It was a white bench with some paint chipped, and flower designs on the back part. The tree above it blocked off the sun. It's fall, so I guess it's pretty cold, shade won't help but nothing's going to stop me and my favorite bench from being together. I sat down and crossed my legs to the seat. My elbows rested on my knees while I watched the water. The pond was calm and gorgeous. Even if it's in the city. It didn't have a muddy outer part like most ponds but instead had a flower bush or sidewalk along the edge. On the other side, there's a dock for people to go fishing. It was a nice shade of green and the sun reflected on it perfectly. I sighed happily at the peacefulness of being alone.

"Hey, mind if I join you?" a deep voice said behind me. I turned my head to see the man from the store. "Oh, hey it's you." He said with a chuckle. I stood up and faced him. He was still wearing the same thing as yesterday, his hair brushed and flipped on the right side.

"Hey, you're from the store, right?" I asked. He ran a hand through his hair and smiled.

"Yep, that's me, shorty." He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at the name. "Wanna walk with me?" He asked while he motioned to the pond. I shrugged with a smile and followed behind him.

"I haven't seen you until now. Are you new around here?" I asked while kicking a rock to the side of the sidewalk so no one steps on it or a biker hits it.

"I recently moved here. I live in the sunny Sidney apartments." He said. My smile formed into a grin when he said that.

"I live there too!" I said happily.


"Yeah!" I yelled. We both started laughing at this. I loved his laugh, it was deep and comforting. Not something that you hear often.

"I live with a few of my friends. How about you?" He asked.

"I just live with my College buddy, Aliky." I said. His smiled withered but was forced to stay up.

"You're in college?" He asked.
"Yeah. Is there something wrong with that?"

"No of course not. I guess I was making sure I heard that right." He said softly. There was a pause of awkward silence after that. "You should probably get home. Do you want me to walk you there?" He asked with a smile.

"I don't see why not." I replied with a grin.

We both walked to my house. It was full of conversation and laughter. We soon ended up at my front door.

"I guess I'll be going now." He said.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." I said before walking in and closing the door. Well. I almost did. The door stopped when it almost made it to the frame. I looked down to see his foot stopping it. He then pushed open the door and walked in, closing the door behind him.

"What are you doing?" I asked, backing up slightly. He leaned his head, left to right. His ears almost touching his shoulders. I heard his neck pop then watched as his pupils turned red and his hair went even brighter.

"What am I doing?" He mocked me. "I'm doing my job." He said with a smirk. I jumped when a figure walked up from behind me, but it wasn't Aliky. It was a man with green hair, cuts all over him, extremely pale skin, many piercings, and all black clothing. He leaned into my face and I got a good look at his eyes... Blue and green.

"Anti?!" I screamed. His face twisted into a wicked grin. One that gave me the chills.

"Awe, How'd you know~" He teased. Black ears then rose to appear on the top of his head, and a tail pushed out from underneath his shirt.

"H-How?!" I screamed. He ignored my question. "By the way. Stop being a basic bitch by giving cats tuna. That stuff is disgusting by itself." Anti said with a giggle in his tone.

"What is going on?!" I screamed. Completely demanding answers.

"Ask question later. Right now, you're coming with us." The one with red hair demanded. "Anti, get her."

"Yes, Dark."




Song I'm listening to- Just a bunch of memes (Burnt rice, body body, legs, fun, robokitty, wanna play, etc)

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