You choose to hang out with Light

662 11 14

Word count- 1596

I smiled to myself before letting my hand write out 'Light' at the end of the sentence then pulling the sticky note off and placing it on his pillow. I walked out of the room, being sure to shut the door behind me. Then, strolled my way through the corridors, saying hi to passing demons and watching my surroundings. I eventually found the kitchen and smiled greatly to myself, thinking about how I haven't ate in close to 3 full days. I sneaked in, wondering if I'd get in trouble for being in the kitchen. I grabbed the closest food to me and quickly ran out. It was an apple. A perfect one in fact, perfectly red, not a single soft spot in it. Made me worried that it might have a curse in it or something of the kind. I inhaled before taking a bite anyways, thinking about how hungry I've been. The apple tasted normal, just much sweeter. Nothing like any other apple I've eaten. I strolled more around, not sure where I can find Light. I turned the corner and slammed into Linx.

"Oh, hey, Human!" Linx said with a smile. I grabbed the wall to gain my balance and laughed.

"Oh, hello, King Pewdie." I said with a giggle. "Where were you heading in such a rush?" I asked.

"I'm just sliding though the hallways." He laughed, motioning to his socks. I laughed more.

"Where are you heading?" He asked.

"I'm actually trying to find Light." I explained.

"Oh! He's in the library!" He said with a smile, pointing down the hall behind him.

"Thanks." I smiled before leaving down the hall. Of course, the Library. Why didn't I think of that? I found my way there with no problems and entered. Light, in his white trench coat and white pants sat at a table, his white hair in his hands as he leaned against the table while his red eyes grazed over the book in front of him. I smiled before walking over to him and sitting in the seat beside him. Without looking up or over he said,

"Good morning, (Y/N)." He said, then looking up and over. I looked at the pink substance on the table in front of us then back at him.

"Good morning, Light. How's your morning been?" I asked. He looked over at the pink that my eyes were just on with a sigh.

"Frustrating to say at the least. I've been spending all morning trying to perfect this potion here." He said.

"Potion?" I asked.

"Yeah. You're sitting in a library full of demons. And you don't suspect potions?" He asked with a laugh.

"Well, to be fair, you guys are demons. Not witches." I said. He laughed more and grabbed the small bottle.

"Touche." He said. "I'm guessing you're wondering what the potion is." He said with his eye brow raised.

"Actually~" I said to mess with him. "I'm wondering what you're reading." I finished, pointing to the book in between his elbows on the table. He slid it over to me with a small smirk.

"Good luck." He chuckled. I looked at the first page with confusion.

'Nyovab Erirefr Cbgvba

Gur Nyovab cbgvba vf n cbgvba gb erirefr bar jubz vf nyovab gb uvf/ure gehr pbybef jvgubg gur trnrgvp pheehcgvbn'

"What the fuck?" I mumbled. He chuckled before sliding the book back to himself.

"So? Do you like it?" he asked, obviously knowing that I can't read it.

"Yeah, my favorite part of that was where Light explained to (Y/N) how to read it." I said with an eye roll and a smile. He grabbed a pencil and paper and wrote,

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