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Damien Fischbach 'Dark'

Way of life

Dark is known as the 'second-hand king' a man who has a high role in the mansion. He takes such a high role because of his level of strength his powers hold. He spends most of his time patrolling the mansion and keeping other demons under control. Even so, he always finds a way to be with friends in his freetime. Because poison wants to destroy all demons. Bit if she hurts (Y/N), it hurts poison as well. So dark's main role is to watch over and protect (Y/N). Later in the story, poison will attack. And that's when dark finds out that pain afflicted to (Y/N) hurts poison. As the story unrolls, dark slowly falls in love with (Y/n). He even tries to kiss her in the library. Dark decides to start reading to (Y/N) causing a daily cuddle and reading hour when he's not doing king duties. When I say doing 'king duties' he's working for his own benefit. Meaning, Dark is the actual king, he just labels himself as the highest king servant so he has a smaller chance of being killed. Linx pretends to be king, and pretends to know what he's doing But he actually just puts it all on Dark. Only very few know this. But it can be found in documents in the back of the library.


Anti- In a meeting room, filling some papers. (Y/N) Finds he top floor that cuts off to see the middle seats. Used a red dot to tease Anti. Anti realizes who has the light and chases (Y/N) through the mansion, where she runs into other demons who help her hides. Anti eventually tackles her and take the laser light. Host tells anti there's an emergency so he has to leave and so (Y/N) goes back to her room.

(This was never put into the story. But it was going to be one of the option to hang out with in the 'You choose to hang out with...' Part. Also, you're not going to get your own choices in the sequel. Nope. This one was too much work.)

Linx- Accidentally smashes into (Y/N). She asks what he's doing and he explains that he got bored and started sliding through the rooms with his socks. He then asks if she wants to join. She agrees and they start sliding through rooms. They reach the throne room and slide through it. They come to the balls room and start to dance and slide with each other. He smiles and grabs her hand. He pulls her to a balcony and climbs to the roof of the mansion. They then have a deep talk about life at the mansion. He confesses things and explained what it's like to be labeled as the king. He says it's getting late so they head back inside. He gives her a hug and tells her thanks you. She goes back to her room.

(Again, never put into the option... lazy me)

Will- (Y/N) ask where she can find Will and is taken to a cafe. They both get coffee and sit down together and chat. Will explains that he's known Dark for years. They once lived in a manner but something's happened and there was many changes. They then move on to his past and what brought him to what he is now. Then goes to work on drinks for the ball tomorrow night

(I added the thought of the ball at the last minute?)

Yan- He need a new model for his new line of clothing and asks if she wanted to help. They turn the room into a fashion show and make a lot of laughs by trying on stupid clothing. Making dresses for the ball.

(I stopped having yan so much in the story... I don't know. His psycho personality would get in the way a bit? But Will likes you so he keeps his psycho self to himself, unlike Yan would... so...)

Light- In the library. Reading a book in demon tongue. He then teaches how to read it. Talks about the history of the mansion, talks about potions and teaches how to make one. Makes himself a potion so he can become a dark demon. He is one, just albino. So he can dance with his crush for tomorrow's ball without her knowing it's him.

Why do I love you? (Darkiplier x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن