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"Poison?!" I shrieked. I can feel myself already starting to panic. I took a deep breath, attempting to calm myself and stay at a low level. I locked eyes with Light before reaching out for the potion. "Give it! I need to take it now!" I yelled, trying to pry it out of his fingers.

"But what if it doesn't work?" Will asked, taking the potion from Light.

"But it still can!" I yelled. I then snatched it from Will's hand and started chugging. The potion burned strongly down my throat, like drinking vodka straight off the bottle. It was bubbly, and fizzing, along with a freezing cold after effect, causing my skin to grow with goosebumps. Light snagged the Potion bottle from between my teeth, looking at me worriedly. Will with the same expression as he watched my every move. "Okay! Now kill me!" I demanded. They both glanced at each other then back to me.

"W-We can't kill y-you." Will mumbled.

"You have a gun! Just shoot!" I ordered.

"We can-"

The conversation was interrupted by a loud crash echoing through the library. We all turned to see flames spreading in, catching books on fire and getting anything flammable around it.

'N-No." I whispered. "I can't be too late!" I screamed, grabbing the gun from Will's back pocket and putting it to my temple. Light knocked the gun from my grip and Will tackled me, straddling my hips and pinning my hands to the side of my head.

"The potion has to kick in, (Y/N)!" Will yelled. "You need to wait!"

"Poison isn't going to wait!! I yelled, squirming underneath him. "The mansion will turn into a huge pile of ash!" I screamed.

"We need to get you out of her-" Will started. I put the palm of my hand to his chin, knocking his head up before shoving him off of me and running out of the library. I avoided the already flaming debris falling from the ceiling and maneuvered myself around the flames.

"There she is!" A demon yelled, a mob of demons behind them.

"You were supposed to save us!" One yelled, locking my arms.


"Some savior you are!"
"Why did we even believe in some pathetic human?!"

"Let go-!"

Demon after demon grabbed me, pulling me down the hall and yelling insults.

I'm sorry

I tried

I wanted to save you all

I might not be a demon, but I love everything here

I'm new, but I'm here to help.




My eyes frantically looked for someone to help. Over the heads of all the demons invading my personal space, was the red and black floof of hair. My eyes locked onto Dark's. His face stone cold, his expression not showing a single emotion in it as he watched me get pulled away by the other demons.

"DARK!" I screamed, kicking and punching, trying to free myself from my dozen of captors. My stomach then churned, my body constantly overheating, not from the heat of the flames. It burned my body inside and out. Shit, the potion. I looked back up at Dark, who was still silently watching me go. Tears found my eyes, not just from the pain of the potion attacking my physical body. But the fact that I failed everyone. Poison is going to kill everyone. And it's all my fault. "DARK" I screamed, repeated over and over as I was tugged down the hall by the mob of demons.

All limbs then instantly released me, causing me to tumble to the red carpet in flames. I felt two arms cradle me and runoff in a max sprint down the hall. I instantly recognized the cologne of Will coming from the shirt.

"You didn't need to save me, Warfstache. I had it all under control." I snapped, my vision starting to go blurry.

"The potion is kicking in, you'd pass out any second now." Will said, pulling me closer. "There's no way I'd let you pass out in the arms of a mob like that." He chuckled. I gripped his shirt, pulling my cheek to rest on Will's shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I failed everyone. The mansion is falling apart. It's all my fault." I whispered, starting to get mumbly toward the end. I glanced up at the huge bruise on Will's chin. "I'm also sorry for kinda uppercutting you." Will's grip tightened on me, pulling me higher on his chest as he sprinted.

"Stop being sorry. It always gets better, things will turn out okay." Will smiled, down to me, slowing his pace to a jog. I looked up at him, a small smiled forming on my cheeks. He smiled back before leaning down slightly and placing a daring kiss on my forehead. "I'm surprised you're not completely blacked out yet, the potion is to completely shut you down in seconds."

"I-I need to go find P-Poison."


Will was cut off by vision blacking out.

Why do I love you? (Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now