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My eyes widened momentarily as he pulled my lip out then released. He moved away, his eyes watching for a reaction. I smiled softly before gently sliding my hands to his neck and pulling him down. He followed with no debate. I leaned up and gently pressed my lips against his. He smiled against my lips before making the kiss deeper. He rested his hands on my hips before guiding us back into his bedroom, off of the balcony. He then disconnected our lips so he could shut the door and close the curtain.

"So? It takes three days to get to know you?" He asked with a smirk.

"I don't know, do you know me? Cause I'm sure I'll still surprise you." I replied playfully.

"I'm sure that even when I know every little detail about you, you'll still surprise me." He admitted. I giggled slightly before grabbing some clothing by the side of the bed and walking to the bathroom. I changed out of the clothing I was wearing since it was a little bit sweaty from all the running I did. I pulled on my own shorts, these ones stopped halfway toward the knee. I then pulled off the hoodie and shirt. Then put on the flannel, keeping some buttons undone again. I walked out to see Dark already in his black pajama pants and a black T-Shirt. He looked up at me, his eyes glancing at my chest before narrowing. "Do I need to teach you how to button up a flannel?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Probably." I shrugged. He gently grabbed the flannel and buttoned it up, leaving the last two buttons undone. "You never told me why I can't wear this flannel around other demons." I frowned. He smiled before leaning in and placing a small peck on my lips.

"I didn't wanna risk other demons seeing you this way." He said.

'What do you mean by 'this way'?" I asked. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm not even going to dodge or go around that question. You look hot in my flannel." He said as he looked away in a slightly embarrassed way. I cupped his cheeks with both hands and moved him to face me.

"You don't have to be embarrassed." I giggled.

"I-It's just that... I had an entire confession for you saying that I love you, and I want you to live with me in the mansion." He paused and looked at the ground then back up at my eyes. "I want you to be my queen."

"T-That was o-out of nowhere." I said., backing up slightly.

"I'm sorry... I was planning a confession to you. Not just, 'we kiss and now we're a couple'." He said while running a hand through his hair.

"You can confess to me now." I said with a smile. He tightened his grip on my hips as he leads me to the bed. I sat down on the edge and he leaned toward me.

"(Y/N), I love you. I want you to live in the mansion with me, and be my queen. You've made me smile again, and I never thought that was possible, a-and you make me feel much different than other humans and demons do." He said with a small grin, his face getting redder every second. "Y-Yes, I am a demon, I might do some things in our relationship that won't agree with human expectations, but I've done research on human love, and I'm here to make you smile and be happy more than ever. Yeah, I might slip and let my demon side become strong around you... But I want you to trust me, and feel safe around me, even though I'm sure you've heard about some of my past... But I wanna change, even if you weren't here to experience the actual bad side of a dark, demon, king. A-And, I wanna take it slow with you and make sure you stay comfortable, I'm a demon, and I would normally just use you as a slave, but you, yourself, changed me in only a matter of 3 days and changed me for the better, " He said with a forced smile. He stood there and waited for my response. I truthfully have no idea what to say.

"I trust you. And it's okay if you sometimes slip out your demon side, it's probably good for you... You don't have to spend your time making me happy, I want you to be happy also... And, I'd actually like to learn how demon relationships work too." I replied while smiling without even realizing it. He chuckled slightly.

"I don't think a human should be doing the same things a demon does in a relationship." He said with a snicker. I scooted myself farther up the bed as Dark crawled onto the sheet, finding his place on the left side of the bed.

"Why not?" I asked while finding comfort on the right side of the bed and pulling the blanket over me.

"I think it might be painful to humans" Dark chuckled while pulling the blanket over him also.

"Give me an example then." I said while grabbing my phone, only to see 32 missed calls from Aliky.

"Well, demons mark their spouse to tell other demons that this is their property... I'm not going to treat you like my own object, although many demons do." He said awkwardly, as though he wanted me to know this information but wasn't sure if it would change anything. I looked over at him with a faint smirk.

"Tell me everything about the mark then do it." I said in a daring sort of way.

"Well, the mark has to be in the same spot for both contributing the relationship. And when the mark goes away, it tells other demons that they've broke up, so you'd have to remake the mark often." He explained. I nodded in response. He leaned over to me and wrapped an arm around my torso.

"Go ahead, I don't care if it hurts... I'm sure it can't be that bad, just as long as I get to keep your tradition." I said while sliding my finger under his chin.

"You don't have to, and it's not a tra-... Oh, I guess it is. Well, uh, are you sure you want the mark? It'll be there for a while."

"You're really flipping out about this?" I leaned down and softly pecked him. "I wanna try demon ways, and you seem really nervous about it." I said, trying to comfort him.

"I've never had the mark, but I hear that it can sting and I don't wanna hurt you." He said.

"Go ahead and do it." I said with a sincere smile.

"Where do you want it?" He asked. I couldn't help but notice that his voice got deeper when he asked.

"My bicep. Since I don't know how much it's going to hurt." I said while trying to pull up the sleeve of the flannel. The sleeve went up to my elbow then stopped and wouldn't go any higher. "Fudge." I mumbled. I started to unbutton the flannel so that I could take my arm out of the sleeve. Dark looked away while biting his lips slightly. I pulled my arm out of the sleeve once the flannel was completely unbuttoned. I pulled the blanket up and held it at my collar bone with one hand while the other fell to my side for Dark. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. He leaned up and began to nibble and bite one little area of my upper arm before starting to suck. After a while he sat up and smiled. I know I winced through some of it since it did sting, but not in a really painful way. I turned my arm to see that it was just a hickey with bites. I laughed slightly.

"What's funny?" He asked. I looked up at him with held back laughter.

"These are called hickeys Dark. Humans use them too, not in the same way, but they also use them." I said with a slight chuckle. His face went red in slight embarrassment that I laughed at, but not in a mean way. I pulled the flannel back on and buttoned it up before rolling over and leaning into Dark, hiding my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, in response I grabbed his arm and pulled up his sleeve to his shoulder before doing the same thing he did to me.


I turned on 'Jim news' since Dark was half asleep. I sat up with my back against the head board, Dark's arms around my waist with his head on a pillow beside my lap. I gently ran my fingers through his hair and his breathing stayed calm.

"Love you, (Y/N)." Dark mumbled into the pillow.

"Love you too, Dark." I said with a smile before letting my head lay back and closing my eyes.

Why do I love you? (Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now