💀 Chapter 25 💀

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Next Morning

It's 9 am, Today was Yoongi's first day at work, he left before eight this morning. I still don't tell him about the pregnancy test because Jin told me a better way to surprise him.

I had to lie and tell him that I didn't take it and was going to wait until the next morning to take it, he frowned but was okay with it, though he's anxious to know if I'm pregnant or not.

Which he'll be finding out pretty soon.


Y/N: I'm sorry for taking your time. I know you have lots of work waiting for you at the cafe

Jin: Don't Be. Joon can handle it while I'm gone

Y/N: You really think that?

We looked at eachother before bursting out into laughter. Just by thinking about Joon we know he's always destroying everything just by a small touch.

Jin: Yeah no, but let's pray I don't get back to work and see that my coffee shops gone.

I giggled and playfully slapped his shoulder, Jin smiled and right then the Doctor walked into the room.

Doctor: Hello, sorry for making you wait long

Y/N: Oh no, It's Fine

Doctor: Are you ready for the ultrasound?

Y/N: Yes, I'm ready

Doctor: Did your husband come with you?

Y/N: No, I'm actually going to surprise him today but I brought my brother in law with me

Jin: Yes that's me, Worldwide handsome

Oh god there he goes..

Doctor: Hahaha, Well then nice to meet you Mr. Worldwide handsome

They shook hands and I smiled before taking a seat on the bed and laying back. I pulled my shirt up and the doctor started spreading the gel all over my stomach.

Jin: I bet Yoongi would be smiling all throughout this ultrasound

Y/N: Haha he would Huh? I hope he's having a good day so far

Jin: I do too and if he's not then you'll cheer him up with the good news

I nodded and Jin squeezed my hand as he flashed me a smile. These emotions I had going on were making me feel all types of way, I couldn't wait to see my baby and tell Yoongi.

Doctor: There it is, heres your baby

Jin and I looked at the screen in front of us and squinted our eyes to get a good look at the baby, which of course is very little.

Jin: Omo is that the baby?

Doctor: Yes, right now the baby is the size of a peanut because she is three weeks pregnant but they'll eventually grow as the weeks go by

Y/N: Awe, I'm so happy, I cant wait until their big enough so we can get a better look at them

Doctor: Yes, and momma make sure you get enough sleep, eat, stay hydrated so that baby can grow strong and healthy. Also try not to do things that require force. Stay away from anything harmful and don't stress out because remember that the baby feels everything your feeling, okay?

Bad Couple | Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now