Chapter 13

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''Infinite can create virtual reality projections, they have mass and form but no heart and soul.''

'' *Gasp* I knew it!'' 

'' You knew, why didn't you tell anyone?''

'' Well I wasn't exactly sure, but everything is falling into place so it seems that what Tails and I were thinking could be true.''

'' Virtual reality, so all these familiar faces were part of Eggman's army...''

''Replicas, the problem is they may not be real but their power are as formidable  as the originals.'' '' According to rouge Infinite can create unlimited numbers of them.''

'' So fight after fight he can just keep cranking out counter fits?''

'' Exactly,as it stands there's no way we can win this.''

''Of course we can win this we always do, we just haven't figured that part out yet.''

'' Ok sonic i'm heading back to help the others ok?''

''Ok be careful.''

'' I will.'' And you went back in the direction you came from. ''Hey knuckles i'm on my way back.''

''Alright see you when i get here.'' 

''Ok listen up, we just got word that Eggman's forces are under undermanned at his headquarters in metropolis, So were focusing on a full frontal attack on metropolis. I'm calling it ''Operation big wave''. 

''Who cares what it's called, what's important is to have a well thought out strategy.''

'' I thought up this strategy in about a minute in a half. We're going in hard and fast, we're not gonna stop til Eggman's army is destroyed.'' 

'' Sonic is busy fight with shadow and (y/n) is on her way back so we can do this. We're got the strength and the spirit to win this. There no better group I'd rather fight with.''

 ''That's the spirit knuckles.''

'' We also have sonic , i mean the other sonic so i had no doubt that we can do this. Also if we can destroy the phantom ruby we should be able to send the other sonic back home, at least i hope so this is all new territory for me.''

'' Ok let's head straight for Eggman's HQ, time to save the world people!''

The rookie used his grapple hook to get on the path that lead to Eggman's HQ. As you finally caught up with them. You jump from one building to the next, finding on that was close enough to jump onto the path as well.

'' Good to see you join us (y/n).''

'' I wouldn't miss it for the world.''

'' Alright, time for operation big wave. We'll surge forward and sweep the enemy away.''

'' How absurd what can that rabble do this an all-out attack?  I'll smash you all to smithereens.''

You all reached the end of the bridge read to head to the next one. souring though the air. Then that's when he flew beside you. You look at him and he did the same.''

'' Infinite activate the phantom ruby!''

'' No Infinite don't!'' Everything got weird and the entire world was turned upside down.

''Stay calm, what your seeing isn't real!''

'' *Gasp* you immediately closed your eyes and waited for your feet to land on an upside building. Once you landed you couldn't move. The rookie noticed this and looked at you concerned. 

Infinite Love ( Sonic Forces) Infinite x human reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now