Real Me

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"What the hell are you doing here?" 

Elena found herself frozen as Buffy continued to glare at her like she was a stain on this earth. She just couldn't understand what was happening right now. First, Buffy hadn't recognized Stefan or Damon, and now she was looking at her with such hatred.

She visibly flinched taking a step back as Buffy continued to glare at her.

She had never seen Buffy this angry with her. Not even after she had wanted to compel Jeremy or tried to hand herself over to Klaus.

Elena felt her heart drop as she watched her cousin through glassy eyes. There was no love, no warmth in Buffy's eyes, she was just staring at her blankly, with no recollection of how close they actually were.

It was like they had a massive fall out but she had no idea what the fight was about.

"Buffy." She tried only for it to come out as a small sob. She just couldn't understand how Buffy could look so furious by her mere presence.

Buffy couldn't be this furious that she had risked coming here, there had to be more going on.

What the hell had Klaus done?!

Instead of responding, Buffy rolled her eyes and shocked the group by slamming the door in Elena's face.

There was a long second of silence as the group just continued to stare at the front door in horror, none of them truly knowing how to respond to their first interaction with Buffy after a long year of searching.

Stefan and Damon were frozen both of them just stared at the door in horror as the reality of why Buffy had attacked them last night without any hint of hesitation hit them, even after hearing their voices.

She didn't remember them.

Bonnie was close to tears, ready to crumble down and scream.

Elena had the worst reaction out of all of them. She was a sobbing mess as she finally started pounding on the door in a desperate fashion "Buffy please!" She cried as she banged on the door "Buffy, please! Look I just need to talk to you, I had to know you were okay, please!"

Finally, the door was yanked back open and Buffy just sighed as she spotted the sobbing mess that was her younger cousin "I haven't seen you in five years, Elena." She snapped harshly "And now, you just show up here with a bunch of your friends. I would really like to know, what the hell you are trying to do?!"

Given that Elena could barely utter a single word through her cries, Bonnie wiped away her own tears and focused on her best friend.

Her person.

Who was now staring back at her without a hint of the trust they had shared.

"Um, Buffy...I don't know if you remember me-"

Buffy actually smiled as she turned to Bonnie, which if anything had Elena even more upset "Bonnie Bennett, yeah you used to hide in my room a lot. Miss Cuddles's girl."

Bonnie couldn't help but grin "And you are Mr. Gordo's girl."

"Well, Mr. Gordo has joined Miss Cuddles on that missing person list."

Buffy still had no idea where that stuffed pig was, she hadn't seen it in over a year, hell she couldn't even remember the last time she had seen it.

Now that Buffy seemed a little calmer and actually had a genuine smile on her face, Bonnie offered Elena a reassuring look before focusing back on Buffy "Can I ask, I think I'm out of the loop, but why do you kind of look like you want to bit Elena's head off?"

The mention of her cousin, had Buffy turning back to Elena who had finally stopped crying "Well, I would have appreciated an invite to Jenan's funeral or to know it was evening happening."

The entire group froze.

Buffy had been the one to plan the funeral, she had even picked out the casket because Jeremy and Elena had been too distraught to even leave their rooms after the sacrifice.

This just wasn't making any sense.

Buffy was a Slayer she couldn't be compelled, yet every word that left her mouth, she obviously believed to be the reality of what had happened. This wasn't her just putting on some performance in case Klaus had his minions watching her.

If that was her concern, she would have yanked Elena inside to keep her hidden the second she saw her, not slam a door in her face.

Elena couldn't help but sputter "But you-"

Before Elena could get another word in, Stefan quickly cut in, actually speaking directly to his girlfriend for the first time in over a year "That's not Elena's fault." He fibbed, if Buffy really had her mind completely erased and all of her memories of her time in Mystic Falls changed, they couldn't risk starting Elena and Buffy off on a bad note.

Buffy furrowed her brows as she turned to the very cute guy with green eyes, as she met his gaze, for some reason, her hand subconsciously moved to her collarbone. Again, twisting the cross around her neck just didn't feel right.

Stefan froze for a moment at the action. Buffy had reached to grab her necklace only to freeze. It was like her body remembered the way she used to twist the locket he gave her when she was in deep thought or confused.

Spotting her still watching him with those doe forest green eyes, Stefan cleared his throat, quickly offering up a cover story "It's actually mine, I got your address mixed up when I was helping Elena and Jeremy with the funeral. Sent it to your dad's address in L.A. And we didn't have a current number."

Realizing what Stefan was doing, Damon quickly jumped on the train "The number Elena managed to find was a landline other than that we only had an old cell number."

The mention of her landline caused Buffy to groan, slapping her hand to her forehead. She knew there was something that she had forgotten to do "God, I am so mentally challenged I haven't paid that bill in like...a year. Crap. Um, Elena..."

Before she could even attempt to apologize, a much more stable Elena just smiled at her, now that the harsh look in Buffy's eyes had vanished she felt a lot better. Plus, it wasn't Buffy's was Klaus's.

"It's okay, I mean you were close to Jenna of course you were upset. I'm sorry, I did call your cell but I had an old number."

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