019 • IRL

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"You got a matching tattoo AND moved in with Dacre without even telling your boyfriend" Joe argued as I stood the living room of his apartment.

"Joe you know it isn't like that" I defended, staring at the guy in front of me who certainly wasn't acting like my boyfriend.

"Oh really? Because it seems like you're moving in and making life long commitments with another man" he said and I sighed.

"I've known Dacre since he and I were fifteen. If you're trying to tell me to choose between my best friend and my boyfriend, you're certainly not going to like my decision" I said, before turning around and leaving his apartment.

"Paisley Wait That isn't what I was trying to say" Joe called out to me, stopping me in the hallway of his apartment building.

"Joe I told you before we started this, you can't keep acting like I'm going to cheat on you or am cheating on you, I've been cheated on before Joe I would never put anyone in that situation. Especially you" I said sadly, before turning to leave.

I stopped in my tracks, looking down at the floor before speaking.
"If you don't want to believe me that's on you" I said before entering the elevator.

"Paisley Wait lets just talk about this I-" Joe said before the elevator doors closed before he could finish what he was saying.


"So there are no signs of forced entry on the back door, we also swept the scene and there's no DNA evidence to prove that anyone was in your house" the detective who was looking into whoever might've broken into our house.

"Wait" I said, remembering something from the day before when Dacre and I had arrived home.
When I returned a minute later I began talking.
"When we got home yesterday, my bed wasn't made. I assumed it was because the maids forgot to make it, but maybe someone was in my bed" I said, handing the sheets and blankets over to the guy collecting evidence.

"We'll look into it, but for now the best thing you can do is to not stay here" Detective Espinoza said to Dacre and I before him and his team left.

"Everything is packed already, the movers will be here in an hour" Dacre said and I nodded.

"I'll be upstairs making sure I have everything" I said before walking up to my room.

I grabbed one of the boxes I had packed and placed it on the bed.
I grabbed the tape, going to tape it until I noticed that the box wasn't closed how I normally do it.

I opened the box, my heart racing at the contents inside.
On top of my clothes, laid an envelope with a rose sat on the top of it.
I placed the rose on the bed, before picking up the envelope.

I opened the envelope, before grabbing the letter out.
I slowly unfolded the letter, my heart racing as soon as I read the words written on the paper.
"I know" it read.

I picked up the envelope again, noticing something small still remained.
I emptied the content of the envelope, a flash drive falling into my palm.

I grabbed my laptop, curious as too what was on this flash drive.
Once I plugged it in, a video came onto the screen.

I was confused as too what I was watching, the camera being blocked by what looked like a curtain.
My heart dropped as the camera focused on two people.

Five years ago

I was shocked, as two lips pressed against mine.

"Dacre what are you doing?" I asked, pushing him away from me.

"Come on Paisley, haven't you ever felt something more between us? Because I have, hell I still do" he said.

I began to think about his words, our memories playing through in my mind. I smiled once I realized that I would probably never find someone who treats me better than Dacre.
I began to think of everything we could be, everything I wanted us to be since the day we met.

I pressed my lips against Dacre's, forgetting every worry I could possibly have.

"Jump" Dacre said after a minute, I did as he said, I jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist as his hands went to hold me up.
My hands made their way to his neck, before I pulled myself closer deepening the kiss.

A few minutes later I felt myself being laid on the bed.
"Are you sure you want this? I don't want to do anything you aren't comfortable with" Dacre said from above me.

I smiled, nodding softly before he pressed his lips back on mine.


My heart continued racing as the video of Dacre and I's first time played before me. We were barely eighteen at the time.
After a minute, it shut off, only to be replaced with a picture of a rose.
Ten seconds later, the picture disappeared from the screen, as well as the video.

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"What the hell?" I muttered to myself, before taking out the flash drive and plugging it in again only for a note to pop up on the screen

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"What the hell?" I muttered to myself, before taking out the flash drive and plugging it in again only for a note to pop up on the screen.
"There are no contents on this flash drive" it read.

"Paisley you ready?" Dacre's voice called from downstairs.
I grabbed the envelope and everything that was inside of it, quickly throwing it away.

"Yeah" I called back, putting my computer in the box of clothes I had, before I rushed downstairs with the last box.

"You okay?" Dacre asked, noticing the worried look on my face.

"Yeah I'm fine" I lied smoothly, but knowing Dacre, he could probably read right through me.

He raised his eyebrow and was about to say something before the doorbell rang.

"It's the movers" he said and I nodded, before walking to where the boxes were.

What the hell is happening? How did anyone take that video? Who would take that video? Why is this happening to me?


Hey guys hope you all enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you all think in the comments.

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