027 • IRL

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Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated lately I had the flu and then got strep throat so I pretty much was stuck doing nothing. I also work in my only time off. However I am going to try and get a few updates out frequently for you guys.
Also, I was thinking about starting a Riverdale fanfic, I'm not sure if any of you would be interested in reading that, but if you are let me know and I'll start one.
Anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

"Let me get this straight, you believe that Starstruck isn't an iconic movie?" I asked Zane who sat on the couch across from me, and Toddy and Josh Peck who sat on both sides of me.

"All I'm saying is, it's not as good as other Disney Channel Original Movies. It was a good movie but there are other movies that Disney made that are way better" Zane said while David stood filming the both of us for his vlog.

"I thought you were better than this Zane but you're proving me wrong. The disrespect" I said as everyone around us laughed at the argument.

"Zane baby you can't disrespect a movie when the main actress is in the same room as you" Heath said and I nodded.

"See at least someone around here knows some respect. I slaved for months over that movie the least you can do is give the movie credit." I said.
"I nearly drowned in a mud puddle and you're saying the movie wasn't iconic" I added, shaking my head in disappointment.

"Anyways, Paisley and I will be in my room to avoid further arguments" Todd said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to his room.

Once we got to his room, I laid down on the bed quickly making myself comfortable.
"Comfy?" Toddy asked, positioning himself next to me, our legs entangling themselves as if it were an instinct.

"Mmm very" I said, placing my head on his chest.


"Joe I swear on everything you love, if you keep winning I'm going to shave your head" I said as I sat next to him on the couch, the two of us in an intense Mario Cart battle that I keep losing.

"Paisley this is the twelfth time in a row that you had lost. Give up" Dacre said from the other side of me.

"Shut up Dacre or you're going to end up bald too" I warned before jumping up.
"Take that you hobo!" I said excitedly as I crossed the finish line coming in first.

"I let you win" joe said and I rolled my eyes, sitting back down next to him.

"Don't be a sore loser Joebo the hobo" I said nudging him with my elbow.

"Quit calling me that" he said nudging me back.

"Or else what?" I asked nudging him back, causing him to nudge me back again, earning another nudge from me creating a 'nudging war'

"God the sexual tension between you two is insane" Finn said from his place on the floor, causing me and Joe to stop what we were doing.

I grabbed the pillow from behind Dacre's head that he was using to prop his head up, and I threw it at Finn, hitting him right in the face.

"Shut up clown boy before I go and get Pennywise to eat you" I said causing everyone to laugh. Dacre and Joe sat on the couch with me. While Finn, Gaten, Caleb, Sadie, Noah, Millie, Natalia, and Charlie sat on the floor.

"So Paisley, you and Toddy must be pretty Kinky to cause the hickeys on your neck" Finn said, causing my eyes to widen before I brought my hand to my sweater, pulling the neck up to hide the bruising on my neck.

"Uh I guess" I lied, knowing that the bruises definitely weren't hickeys, and that they were actually me almost being murdered but ya know, no one needs to know that.

My eyes met Joe's, before I quickly turned away hoping he didn't figure out where the bruises came from.

I pretended to check my watch, before speaking.
"It's getting late, I should probably go to bed. Thank you guys for coming, you all can stay if you want" I stood up, wrapping the blanket I had around me before beginning to walk up to my room.

I felt a hand grab mine as I reached my bedroom door.
I turned to see Joe.
"Yes?" I asked, standing in my doorway.

"Can we talk?" He asked looking behind him. "Privately" he added.

I looked down, before opening my bedroom door wider for him to enter. I shut it behind him after he had entered.

"What happened yesterday? I know those bruises aren't from Todd" he said before I shushed him.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I lied, putting a fake smile on my face.

"Don't lie to me Paisley" He said sternly and I sighed.

"It doesn't matter" I said turning my head away from him.

"It matters to me" he said, using his hand to make me look at him.

"Why?" I asked quietly.

"You know why" he said softly, letting his hand fall from my cheek.

I looked down, taking a deep breath in before placing a fake smile across my face. "I don't know what you're talking about" I lied once again.

"Paisley" Joe tried to speak but I stopped him.

"Just go Joe" I said quietly.
He looked at me sadly, before turning and starting to walk out of the room, he stopped at the door frame.

"If you need someone to listen, I'm here" he said softly, before fully leaving the room.

I sighed, before locking my door, making sure my windows were locked as well.
I slid into my bed, letting sleep quickly take over me.


Hey guys please let me know how you all are liking the story :)

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