030 • IRL

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"Is Todd here?" I asked Scotty who opened the door of their house.

"He uh- yeah he is" he replied, with a sympathetic look on his face.

"Can you just- can you give this to him?" I asked, hesitating before taking the engagement ring off of my finger.

"I don't think I should be the one to do that" he said softly and I nodded.
"I'll go get him" he said and I thanked him softly before he walked away.

"Paisley" Todd's voice rang through my ears as I looked up to see him standing at the doorway.
"I can explain" he spoke before I quickly stopped him.

"Stop... I don't want to hear it Todd" I said quietly, tears immediately filling my eyes as I looked up to face him.
"Does this ring mean nothing to you?" I asked, holding the ring up.

"Of course it means something to me Paisley, you know that" he said, bringing his hand to my arm, holding it slightly.

"Well clearly I don't, because if I knew that you did, those pictures wouldn't be on E! Nor would they have ever been taken in the first place" I argued, I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in, calming myself down before speaking.
"I don't date cheaters Todd, and I most certainly don't marry them"

"It was one time Paisley" he argued, before his bedroom door opened to reveal Corinna.

She looked at me shocked, before scurrying back into Todd's room.
"Yeah, one time" I said, tears falling down my cheeks before I brought my palms up to wipe the tears.

I grabbed Todd's hand, placing the ring in the palm of his hand before using my hand to push his fingers over the ring.
"Goodbye Todd" I said quietly before walking away, ignoring his voice that repeatedly called my name.


"I can't stay here Dacre" I said, as I shoved a bunch of clothes into my suitcase.

"Paisley you can't just run away, you don't have anywhere to go. This is your home, don't leave just because a stupid guy cheated" Dacre said, stopping me from putting more clothes in the bag.

"He wasn't just a stupid guy Dacre, he was my fiancé. We were supposed to get married next month" I said, starting to put the last of my clothes in the suitcase.
"You can't stop me this time Dacre, I love you, but I'm not staying here. I already bought a ticket" I added, looking softly up to Dacre.

"To where?" He asked and I sighed.

"It doesn't matter" I replied.
"I need this Dacre, I just need to be somewhere that no one would expect me to go"

"How long will you be gone?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't know yet" I said, pulling away from him.
"I'll call you okay?"

Knight • Joe KeeryWhere stories live. Discover now