032 • Interview

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Paisley smiled, waving as she walked onto the stage of the Late Late Show with James Cordon.

"Everybody welcome, the star of the new hit movie F*** The Prom, Paisley Anne" James spoke, before hugging Paisley.

"Thank you so much for having me James" Paisley said, as she sat on the couch, her body instantly facing its way towards James.

"No, thank you for coming! I know a lot has been happening in your life lately so we here at the Late Late show really appreciate you making time for us" James spoke, a bright smile making its way on Paisleys face.
"Anyways, Let's get down to business"James said, taking a look at his note cards.

"Okay wait, before we start" Paisley said, looking towards the audience.
"I just want everyone to know that my managers and I have given James permission to ask anything he wants and he's not invading any of my privacy by asking me these questions" she continued, James nodded in agreement.
"Alright sorry go ahead"

James took one last look at his notecards before speaking.
"So your new movie F*** the Prom just came out, for those who haven't seen it, could you explain a little bit about the movie?" He asked.

Paisley smiled, nodding her head slightly.
"So the movie F*** the Prom is about a girl named Maddy, who I play, and her friend Cole, who were pretty much inseparable growing up. Eventually the two went to high school and things happened that led the two to not really be friends anymore. And then a little ways into the movie, something happens to Maddy to make her want to pretty much sabotage the Prom with the help of Cole, and that's all I'm going to say so I don't spoil it"

"Well I've seen it, and I really enjoyed it. I think you did such an amazing job in it" James spoke while Paisley smiled in response, thanking him.
"Alright, and now the questions that everybody wants the answers to"

"Lay it on me" Paisley said with a smile that James returned with a laugh.

"So you recently called off your engagement, really out of nowhere, like no one was expecting it. Can you give us a little insight as to what happened?" James asked cautiously, hoping to not upset the girl.

Paisley nodded, before speaking "So a lot of people assume that I called off my engagement and instantly made it public last month, but in reality my engagement was off for a month before that so it's been nearly two months since the engagement was officially called off. I just want to say that because everyone thinks it's been a much shorter time"

Paisley paused for a moment, James looking at her, interested in everything she had to say.
"Calling off the engagement was also very sudden to me, there was no foreshadowing, no coming to terms with the relationship ending, it just ended. And yes, it was my choice to end the engagement, but trust and loyalty are two very important factors in a committed relationship, in my opinion, but in that relationship, the amount of trust I had was completely taken advantage of, so I had to remove myself from the engagement"

James nodded "I agree, so what you're saying is loyalty played a roll into what had happened?" He asked.

"Yeah" Paisley said while nodding.
"Personally, if I'm going to marry someone I want to know that they're going to be loyal and not go behind my back doing things they're not supposed to do. If I had stayed in the relationship, I know it would have just continued going on"

James nodded his head in understanding "so there is a lot of speculation surrounding you and NBA Star Devin Booker, so what's the deal? Are you two together or not?"

Paisley smiled, playfully rolling her eyes at the question.
"Devin and I..." she started, giving a little thought as too what she was going to say.
"He's one of my best friends, he has been for years... I don't know if you know this but he and I were in a relationship when he was first being drafted into the NBA... right now though?" She paused again.
"All I'm going to say right now is that we're young" she said, not knowing what else to say.

"Trust me, when I was your age, if I looked like either of you, that would be my excuse for everything" James said, causing everyone in the studio to laugh including Paisley.
"I could go to jail, sit there looking pretty, and when someone asked me why I did it" James said, before shrugging.
"I don't know, I'm young"

Paisley laughed at the man in front of her "you could do that now James"

"Oh don't flatter me" James joked, playfully nudging Paisley.
"Well thank you so much for coming, but that's all the time we for today. I hope you come back soon" James said and Paisley smiled.

"Thank you so much for having me" Paisley said, thanking James before he continued with the show.

Paisley stopped to take a few pictures with some fans, before heading back to her hotel where Devin was waiting for her.

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