Chapter Three ~ Arrogant Boys and All Their Quirks

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>>> Well, here I am again loves. It's three o'clock here and I still haven't slept a wink, and I got more inspiration so... again, here I am at your service!

Without further ado, I give you chapter three!!!

Picture: Jake Dillingston

Love always,

<3 Mykenna <3


Aubrey's POV

        It took literally almost two weeks for him to finally get on my nerves enough for me to finally give in and decide to get it over with. In all honesty, I was weary of him, looking for gaps in his story, trying to find any possible way to prove that my theory of all populars being cruel was true. Yet, oddly enough, he gave no warning signs that this was just an awful trick he and his god-like friends had concocted.

        "So Princess," He says as he drives us to the mall. It was his idea to 'update my wardrobe', whatever that meant. "What look are you gonna go for?"

        "I like my look now," I grumble, sucking on the inside part of my Marylin piercing. Yes, I have a lip piercing. And a nose hoop. Sue me.

        "Well I'm afraid the grunge look won't fly if you're going to run with my type of crowd." I huff and cross my arms over my chest, sinking into the seat of his Lexus.

        "I'm a nobody. Why do you care anyway?" I glance at him it of the corner of my eye, noticing that he's staring at me.

        "I told you," he sighs, finding a parking spot near the front. "I want to get to know you. You're refreshing from the usual girls I deal with and I enjoy it." I snort, pushing my way out of the car. My flannel flapped in the slight Huntington breeze, kicking my hair around my face. I quickly tied it up into a messy bun, letting a few wisps of hair hang to frame my face.

      "Whatever you say, Your Highness." I trudge forward, not bothering to wait while he locked his fancy car. He jogged to catch up with me and immediately tried to pull me into a clothing store filled with girly-punk things; my style except... for populars. I yanked against him and stood rooted to the ground. "I'm not going in there."

        "Yes you are. You have to try stuff on and pick stuff out. You're a girl, don't you know how to shop?"

        I crinkle my nose at him in disgust and reply, "First of all, I don't respond to sexist comments like that, and second, I don't shop." I fold my arms over my chest and scowl at him. He lets out a loud sigh and rubs at his temples.

        "Just come into the store and pick stuff out. Then wet can get shoes and whatnot, purses, whatever else it takes to make this work. Then we can leave. Deal?" I pause, considering.

        "And then we leave?" He nods tiredly, looking exhausted. "Fine." I say stiffly, shuffling into the store.

        We come out probably an hour and a half later, carrying at least six massive bags, all filled with clothes, scarves and other various accessories. Then, we hit a shoe store that we spent another hour in. I swear, who was I kidding? I could never pass for a popular, ever. The fact that Konan was moronic enough to believe otherwise was side-splitting. "You realize that this is almost impossible, right?" I mutter, setting the bags down carefully in the trunk.

        "I don't know what makes you say that, Princess." He smiles lazily, making my blood boil. How could he be so calm about all this? "I think you can do it. Why don't you think so?"

        "Because I'm not a mindless follower who things the world of you and your stupid, stuck up clique." I snap, crossing my arms over my chest, staring out the window as he drives me home. I must have shocked him with my blunt honesty because he doesn't respond right afterwards.

        "You're really free-spirited, you know that right?" He says, glancing over to me, an eyebrow raised.

        "Runs in the family." I mutter, scowling out at the flying scenery.

        "Does that go for the scowl too?" I can hear it in his voice that he's trying not to laugh at his own snarky comment.

        "Add a matter of fact, no. It's just me." I bite my lower lip, thinking of my predicament. "It's always been just me..." I whisper, not intending to let the hurt seep into my voice. I look over to see a confused expression on his face as he pulls up to my house.

        "What do yo-" He begins before I cut him off.

        "Can you help me with these bags?" I snap, starting for the trunk. He pops it, following hastily after me. I know I've already said too much, but I hope the blank look on my face tells him to just leave it alone. And to my surprise, he does, taking the bags up to my room. He doesn't get more than an inch in before I snag the bags from him set them in, shutting the door before he gets any sort of look at the sanctuary of my room.

        "Training starts tomorrow." He mutters, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Where the blue outfit." He smiles slightly. "We can match." It's silent for a moment before he turns to walk away.

        After he's gone, I sigh and enter my room, beginning to hang all the new clothes.

        What in the hell are you getting yourself into, Aubrey?


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