Chapter Fifteen ~ Heartbreak Central! Or maybe not...?

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>>> So, the name of the chapter is a little off-putting, but...

No, no buts. The name is pretty self explanatory. :3

Don't hate me too much.

<3 Mykenna <3


Konan's POV

        The room is quiet as we sit in her father's bedroom. Aubrey's holding his hand, whispering quietly to him. How can she be so strong even when everything is falling down around her? I don't know, but... Damn I love her for it. Wait... Love? Huh... I'm definitely going soft.

        Just then, interrupting the silence, his monitors start beeping, immediately ushering in at least a dozen nurses and about two doctors. In an attempt to clear the room, Aubrey and I have been shoved out of the room, into the empty hallway where we see through the window the doctors trying to revive him.

        It's obvious that she's terrified, visibly shaking. Tears stream down her face, but no emotion reaches her eyes.

        How can she just stand there, blank and empty? I turn to face her to see the light begin to drain from her always bright and positive eyes. No... "Bri..." She doesn't hear me, or she does and it's not registering. "Let's go-"

        "No." Her gaze is now empty, cold. "I'm staying until..." Oh God... "Until they get him back." What? She still has hope... Which means I do too.

        "Okay." I whisper, putting my arm around her shoulders to comfort her.

        About twenty minutes later, one of the two doctors steps out of the room and spots us just down the hall, sitting and waiting. I see him sigh as he begins towards us. "Miss Curtis?" Aubrey stands abruptly, giving him all of her attention. "He's stable," Aubrey let's out the breath she'd been holding. "For now."

        Aubrey's shoulders droop as she replies quietly, "Is he...?" I stand, placing my hand on the small of her back.

        "I'm afraid that if he survives the night, the chances of him waking up from his coma are very slim." Aubrey suddenly begins to shake violently with sobs. Pulling her into my arms I nod to the doctor, sending him away as I lead her back to her father's room.


>>> I know this was a short chapter, but hey, it was a good one :3

Well... in my opinion :3

Hope you guys liked it!!!! There's a very important update coming very soon ;)

<3 Mykenna <3

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