Chapter Five ~ Surprises Suck

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>>> Hey guys!!! So, I know I'm probably blowing up your emails and I'm sorry but I thought you would enjoy my many updates :)

So, without further delay, here's chapter five!!!

Love always,

<3 Mykenna <3


Aubrey's POV

        I honestly couldn't understand why showers were so relaxing. The hot water pounds on my back, calming my tight muscles. "Aubrey, you've been in there for almost an hour and a half!" My dad calls, knocking on the bathroom door. "You need to get out, Pookie." My dad's old nickname for me makes me cringe, turning the knob clockwise.

        "What's for dinner?" I ask as soon as I have a towel wrapped around me.

        "Eight cheese lasagna. Your favorite!" My dad knows well enough that lasagna and garlic cheese bread is my favorite dinner.

        "Yum," I smile, padding to my room, droplets of water leaving a trail on the hardwood floors. "I'll be right down then." My dad nods and stalks off. He's a pretty big guy, standing just above 6'7" and built like a defense tackler. To say that I get anything from him would mean that you're blind. I'm like my mother - unfortunately. Small and pixie-like, dainty, but tough as nails and as stubborn as an ox.

        I get dressed, pulling on a massively oversized Santa Barbara university t-shirt and thin cotton shorts. Combing through my long, wavy hair is too difficult for any normal human being, but I get it done, fingering through it to fluff it out so it doesn't stick awkwardly to my scalp.

        As I walk down the stairs, I hear two voices in a heated argument, whispering as quietly as their anger will allow. "You can't just show up! What did you think you'd arrive to?" My dad's voice rings through the kitchen and down the hall.

        "I don't know, Jasper! A welcoming home!"

A female voice replies, snapping at my dad in a way that makes me want to slap her. To say I'm protective of my dad is an understatement. He's my absolute and total best friend.

        "Then you're sadly mistaken if you think I'm going to just let you tear her life apart again. Isn't once enough, Reneé? Haven't you hurt us - Aubrey - enough?" It's quiet as my dad's words sink in. This can't be happening, I think. Not in a million years... But it is.

        "It's not too late to try. I screwed up, I understand. But..." Don't say it... I beg inwardly. Just don't... "She's my daughter."


Konan's POV

        The quiet chatter of people around me fills the foyer, along with soft classical music. Another one of my parent's dinner parties. Awesome. "Smile, darling." My mother says in her outlandish New English accent. "Frowning is bad for your skin."

        "Why smile when I don't want to be here?" I whisper back to her, smiling as fakely but believably as possible.

        "Just ten more minutes and you may excuse yourself, Konan." I nod and smile, greeting the many guests loitering about the room, hovering around the food and drinks.

        I wonder what Aubrey I'd doing at the moment. Wait... Why? It's not as if she's my property or anything. Why care? Because, says the little voice in the back of my head. You like her. I most definitely not like Aubrey Curtis. Not in a hundred years... right?

        Soon, the ten minutes is up and I begin to go up the stairs, leaving everyone behind.

        I sit alone in my room for a good hour before I decide to call Jake, looking for something to distract me, video games being the best option. Twenty minutes later, he's waltzing into my room with a bag of candy and a bag of video games. Perfect.


Aubrey's POV

        Before I think it through, I'm stepping around the corner and into the view of both my dad and my mother. Dad's face when he sees me morphs from anger and hatred at my mother to pain and guilt at me. "Oh honey -" he begins.

        "Aubrey!" She exclaims. She tries to embrace me, but I just take a step back. Her green eyes - the one thing I didn't get from her - show such utter pain, as if I've punched her. I wish to God I could.

        "I'm going back upstairs."

        "But what about -" My mother begins.

        "I'm not hungry." I growl at her, spinning on my heel and up the stairs. Back to my sanctuary. Reneé is calling after me while dad is yelling at her to get out. But it's too late. The damage has been done.

        I'm smart enough to know that this is not the only time she's going to try and be apart of mine and dad's life.

        Oh no, definitely not. No, she's only just begun her parade of emotional pain.

        Opening my door and closing it behind me, I shuffle to my bed, flopping in and pulling the thick sheets around me. I just want today to be over. For the love of all things good, I just want the pain to finally go away.


>>> So my lovelies!!!! How'd you like chapter five???? A lot I hope :)

Well, I know you're probably irritated that I'm blowing up your notifications with all of my updating, but I really like where this is going :) I think I found my calling!!!! Well, please let me know what you think, okay???? :)

Love always,

<3 Mykenna <3

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