Chapter Nine ~ Is It Over Yet?

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>>> Hey guys!!! I'm so sorry about the last chapter but ya know... :3 This one will be better, okay????

Well, I hope that this chapter makes you happy.

Love always,

<3 Mykenna <3


Aubrey's POV


        The hospital corridors at near empty, not at all like the movies where doctors and nurses are running around, taking care of people. No, this hospital was quiet, no one milling around, save the few patients stretching their legs.

        I had always hated hospitals, the smell of antiseptic and death making my eyes water. The woman at the counter, older with a few laugh lines around her mouth, notices Konan and I, smiling brightly. "Can I help you with something ma'am?" 

        "I need to know where Jasper Curtis is being kept." I reply, making my way to the desk with Konan in tow.

        "Follow me." Her expression turns grim as she leads me to the waiting room, where I see Reneé sitting with her face in her hands, shaking with deep sobs.

        "What happened?" I ask once I'm seated next to her, gripping Konan's hand.

        She explains to me that, seemingly just after Konan and I retreated to my room, he called her, wanting to meet up for dinner to discuss me. She had sat there, at the restaurant they were to meet at for more than an hour before getting the call that told her what had happened. Soon after, she contacted me. "Do you know how he is now?"

        Konan is pacing back and forth in front of me, his hair hanging in his face. "Last I heard was he had suffered major trauma to the head and abdomen. Other than that, I know just as much as you." Silence engulfs us as we sit there, the only three people in the room. "I'm so sorry, Aubrey. I never wanted to leave but... At the time-"

        "Drop it Reneé. I don't want to hear it." She is quiet, staring down at her hands. The blonde hair that sweeps across her face is all too familiar, reminding me of myself. I hate it. I hate her...


Konan's POV

        Its hard, seeing her so torn up like this, so vulnerable and... broken. No. She's not broken. "Aubrey..." I whisper, putting my hand on her back. She sits up from her slouched over position and looks at me with tired eyes, almost as if she isn't sure I'm really here or not.


        "C'mon. Lets get you home hon." She just nods quietly, stands and finds a doctor. Asking him to keep her up to date with her father, she gives him her number and leaves with me. I end up carrying her bridal style to my car, and take her home.

        Part of me is disappointed that I didn't get to kiss her, but that kind of thing will have to wait. Right now, she just needs someone to be there for her, and I have every intention of being that someone. "Princess," I say, gently nudging her when we pull in front of her house. "We're here."

        She jerks up, glancing around wildly, until her eyes land on me, enveloping me with her warm, chocolatey eyes. Then, she nods and pushes open the car door. I follow her up the walkway to her door, and once we reach it she puts a key into the lock, pushing her way through the door and leaving it open for me. When she notices I'm still standing outside, she stops and turns to face me. "You coming?" 

        The smile that plays at the corners of her lips isn't forced like I would have originally imagined. Instead, its just as natural as breathing. Smiling back, I follow her up to her room and wait, facing the wall on her bed, as she gets dressed in pajamas.

        I'm surprised when she leaves the room briefly and comes back with a pair of pajama pants and a ratty looking t-shirt. "You can wear these if you want." The timid look on her face makes me laugh, and as I take the clothes, her face reddens.

        "Thank you, Princess." I think I take her by surprise when I slip out of my pants and shirt because her eyes widen and she turns away quickly, flustered. "What is it?" I tease, poking her in the side. She gaspsand jumps away, landing in her bed.

        "Nothing." She squeaks. I chuckle and pull on the pajama pants, but not bothering with the shirt. I hate shirts. I begin to make my way to her door when she pipes up. "Wh-where are you going?"

        "Living room?" She stiffens, glancing at the door.

        "Please stay..." She murmurs, her warm eyes not meeting mine. Nodding, I flick off the light and make my way to her bed where she's already curled up, waiting for me to snuggle around her. "Thank you," she whispers as soon as the blankets are over us and my arms are wrapped around her waist, hers around my neck. "This means a lot."

        "Any time, Princess." I whisper back, stroking her back gently and planting a kiss on the top of her head.


Aubrey's POV

        I wake up to the sound of breathing next to me, and I'm greeted with Konan's sleeping face frighteningly close to mine. But I don't move. Instead, I close the small distance between us, laying my lips against his for a few seconds before pulling back and sitting up. "That was nice." Konan's voice startles me, causing me to jump. Konan bursts out laughing, clutching at his stomach as he dies of laughter. "Oh you should have seen your face Princess! Priceless!" His fit of hysteria continues for another minute and a half before he finally stops and looks at me.

        "Good morning to you, too, Prince Charming." I utter sarcastically.

        "Hey! Don't be like that, Princess." I roll my eyes and lay back down, closing my eyes deliberately. "C'mon, you know I was just joking, Bri." I shudder involuntarily when he calls me by my nickname.

        "Whatever you say, Konan. Whatever you say."  I smile, staring at him before looking up at the ceiling. Realizing that this is real, realizing that he's really here with me, of his own free will, it fills my heart with butterflies.

        "Hey Bri," his voice sounds like heaven and when I look over, his eyes are trained on me. Leaning closer, my breath catches. "I never got to kiss you."

        "Then fix that." What?! Did I really just say that out loud?! I feel my face burn as his inches towards mine.

        "Where have you been all these years?" He whispers, catching my face with his hands.

        "Waiting for you." I whisper back just before his lips touch mine.


>>> Hello!!!! So??? Told you this chapter would be better :3

Well, next chapter is going to blow you away!!!! I is so evil >;-)

Love all of you to pieces!!!!!

Love always,

<3 Mykenna <3

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