Chapter Twenty Two ~ I Can't Keep Going

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>>> Here's the chapter to make up for the previous one... Kind of :) 

Song: "9 Crimes" by Damien Rice 

Love all of you forever!!! 

<3 Mykenna <3 


Konan's POV 

        I bound up the path to the front door, not bothering to park my car straight in the driveway, and push through the door. Jake is just coming down the stairs, looking defeated, and then he sees me, his face turning red as he stares at me. "She can't see you right now, man." 

        "I don't care, Jacob. Where is she? Is her door locked?" 

        "Man, look, I think you should just give her some time to-" 

        "You don't know jack fucking squat about what she needs! You don't even fucking know the real her, Jake." 

        "I don't need to fucking know, Konan. She's a girl, and girl's are all the same; when a boy breaks their heart, they shut down and don't want to talk to anyone." I flinch when he says the part about broken hearts, and sigh. "You can try, but I'm telling you bro, just give her some time. I do know her, not as well as you, but she's an open book. It's not hard to see, especially when she expresses her opinion all the time." Jake puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes reassuringly. "Trust me man. She'll come around." 

        "Thanks, Jake. I needed that." My voice cracks and I'm fighting tears. 

        He's almost out the door when he turns around and says, "Be sure to stop by and bring lots of sweet stuff. Put it in front of her door and knock, then leave so she'll take it. Leave a cute little note, too, just for good measure." I chuckle half-heartedly, and nod. 

        Muttering a thanks, he leaves and I walk slowly up the stairs to her door. I sit down crosslegged in front of her door, covered in bumper stickers that say things along the lines of 'Beware of Bad Ass - Do Not Enter!', and other stuff like that. Well... here goes nothing. 


Aubrey's POV 

        I hear the front door shut and my whole body goes rigid. I know Konan; he wouldn't leave without trying to talk to me and make things better. Honestly, I just need a couple days, maybe a week, and then I can actually look at him without breaking apart at the seams. And I'm going to need a lot of sweets... I'll ask Stacey and Aimee to get all that for me. 

        Then, footsteps up the stairs, proving that I was right, and then nothing. Someone sighs outside of my door and I hear the rustle of clothing that comes with sitting down. "Princess... I know you're in there, sitting against the door, staring at your wall. I know you're trying not to cry, if you aren't already." I freeze, surprised at how well he knows me. I mean, I did this exact same thing when my dad... 

        But that was different. How? Both of these incidents were accidents, hardly anyone's fault except your mom's and Jayde's. I know that... It's just hard to accept. "I know you probably hate me right now, and I'm so sorry that I can't fix it. I didn't even know Jayde was going to pull something like that, but I should have taken that precaution." I'm silent, giving nothing away. "Fuck, Bri..." He sounds so lost, like he's breaking into pieces with me. My heart starts to ache, my entire being yearning for him, to have him hold me and tell me everything will be okay, to press my lips to his and know that he's all mine and I'm all his. 

Miss Invisible, Meet Mr. Popular! (Completed and under revision)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum