Chapter Nineteen ~ Walking The Line

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>>> Hey! I know it's been forever, but I've just been super busy getting ready for school since it's my senior year. But here's the new chapter!!!!!

The song for this chapter is "Heart On Fire" by Jonathan Clay. It goes mainly with Aubrey's POV, but it works for the rest of the chapter too :)

Hope you like.

<3 Mykenna <3


Konan's POV

        I sigh as I drop into a booth, sitting across from Anastasia and Aimee, Aubrey's best friends. "So, what do you guys need?" Aimee blushes, looking everywhere but at me. Yeah, I'm used to this reaction. Being popular does that.

        "We need help throwing Bri a party." Anastasia says, looking straight into my eyes. What I notice about them is that all the girls are open, but Anastasia is more open about her feelings while Aimee is open about her smarts. Aubrey... Aubrey is just very blunt about everything. That's kind of why I love her. "So? Any ideas?"

        "Well, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind throwing some kind of feel better party. If you could get a list of your friends together..." Anastasia lifts a blonde eyebrow. "Oh, right. I forgot, you guys are an exclusive group." Sighing, Aimee finally looks at me, blushing, but serious.

        "She has friends with you doesn't she?  Just get a list together and we'll handle everything else." I nod, leaning back against the seat cushions. A new, more persistent side of mousy Aimee. Refreshing.

        "I can do that." I stand and look between the two girls across from me. "Take care, ladies." Aimee blushes and Anastasia smirks, both waving their goodbyes. This would no doubtedly be fun. Jake would get a kick out of throwing Aubrey a party.

        But how to get Aubrey there...


Aubrey's POV

        I sigh as I enter the front doors of school. After almost a week of being absent, I'm finally returning to school. And after practically avoiding Konan, I have to confront him. My palms grow sweaty and my stomach plunges at the thought of all his possible reactions to my obviously intended absences.

        I've just barely gotten a glimpse of my locker when I see him there, leaning against the metal door. His brown hair is disheveled and unkempt with worry, his blue-green eyes glossy and accented by dark bags from sleep loss and his skin is pasty from malnutrition. I've done this to him? I've caused him to worry so badly that he's lost track of his last meal?

        I've stopped walking, just assessing him, thinking of ways to fix this lost little puppy. His gaze shifts towards me, and I see the hurt, the anguish, the worry, the pain. It hurts me, kills me slowly. Then, his eyes fall on me and all that is there is relief and care and kindness and... love! My heart swells as he pushes away from the locker and runs to me. The whole world stops as he sweeps me off of the ground, spinning me and... Crying? He sets me down, while keeping me close, and cups my face in his hands, drinking me in with his mesmerizing eyes.

        "Princess... God, you're okay. I've been so worried about you." He draws imaginary patterns on my cheekbones, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I missed you." He's whispering, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to rise. "God," he murmurs, pressing his forehead to mine and shutting his eyes. "I missed you so damn much, Princess."

        "I-I missed you too... Charming." I barely choke the words from my constricting throat.

        He laughs, more tears rolling from his eyes, and brings me closer, leaving no space between us. I love it. I love his touch, his musky and fresh smell, like summer rain. I love his taste. I love him. "Don't ever do that to me again, okay? I was so worried..." I just nod, words and reason escaping me. "Jesus, I love you Aubrey." His eyes fly open, realization flooding them. Then, calm sureness. "I love you, Aubrey Curtis."

        His lips press onto mine, sealing this statement, whether for him or myself I'm not sure, but I respond immediately.

        I love you too, Konan Denshaw. So much.


>>> So???? Does it make up for my own absence???? I hope so! I also hope you enjoyed, because that's all I care about :)

Let me know!!! New updates coming soon, pinky swear.

<3 Mykenna <3

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