Chapter Ten ~ Mr. Popular has Competition?!

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>>> So, I'm going to do something that none of you are going to like but... :3 Hey, why not???

Listen to "All About Us" by He Is We during Aubrey's part :3 its totally Aubrey's and Konan's song!!!

Aubrey's dinner outfit to the right! (Or up top for you mobile users!)

Love always,

<3 Mykenna <3


Konan's POV

        "I have a favor to ask of you, darling Princess." I throw my arm around her shoulder as we walk up to the school entrance. The mint green skinny jeans she's wearing hug her curved legs so perfectly, and the white crop top shows just a bit of her midriff.

        She looks at me skeptically with an eyebrow lifted in question. "And what's that?"

        I stop her and smile. "Come over for dinner tonight and meet my parents." She stops, staring at me in shock and disbelief. "I'm serious Princess!" She squints at me.

        "What's the catch?"

        "No catch, just a fun time hanging out with me." I smirk at her, receiving a strange look - coming from her.

        "Fine. I'll go." I jump up, fist pumping in the air. She laughs, pushing me away jokingly. "Don't get too excited, hon." Her cheeks redden when she calls me hon. "It's just dinner."

        "Yeah, sure." I wink, putting my arm back around her shoulders.


Aubrey's POV

        I tug on the hem of my white dress, careful of the black lace lining the bottom, and pat at my somewhat sloppy bun, adjusting the violet bow under it. "Stop," Konan whispers as we drive to his house. It's about six thirty, and I'm so nervous I can feel my stomach at my toes. "You look perfect." His smile eases me as we pull into his drive way. "Like you always do." I attempt to smile, but it's shaky and way beyond forced.

        Stepping out of the car, my eyes bulge at the sight of his house - no, mansion. It looks to be from the colonial period, big and white, with giant pillars in front, and a lawn easily greener than any I've ever seen. "You never told me you live in a castle..." He laughs and simply takes my hand, kissing my knuckles - effectively drawing my attention - and pulls me up the brick walkway.

        At the door, we're greeted by a beautiful, 40 year old woman, who shares the same smokey-green eyes and warm smile as Konan. "Oh my, she's here dear!" Konan blushes as the woman - his mother, I assume - ushers us in, shutting the door behind us. "Oh, Konan, she's lovely!"

        "Yeah mom..." He mumbles. "That's why I picked her."

        "Picked me?" I question, looking him straight in the eyes. He stiffens, then nods, smiling tightly.

        "I'll explain later." He whispers as we enter a large and cozy sitting room, where a man whom I assume is his father is sitting in a pressed smoky blue dress suit. His hair is gray on the sides, but otherwise the same dark brown as Konan's. "Dad, this is Aubrey Curtis," he smiles down at me. "The one I've been talking about." He's been talking about me? My heart picks up pace as my cheeks redden.

        "Yes, I assumed." I see his father stand out of the corner of my eye, because I'm still staring into Konan's eyes. "Aubrey," I turn to his father, who has his arms open for... a hug?

        "Mr. Denshaw." I barely manage to squeak out a greeting as I walk into his hug. It's nothing like Konan's is; not as warm, or open, or... loving? Would that be the word? I don't know.

        As he steps away from the hug, he chuckles. "Oh please, darling," he winks. Definitely where his son gets it from. "Just call me Daniel." I nod, then we begin to migrate toward what I assume - I'm doing a lot of assuming - is the dining room, Konan and his parents talking about his grades and whatnot.

        "So, Aubrey," Mrs. Denshaw says, interrupting my thoughts. "What are your grades this year?"

        "My grades have never been lower than an A-." I respond automatically.

        "Really now?! Oh that's lovely, dear." Her smile is warm and comforting.

        "Thank you, Mrs. Denshaw."

        "Oh please, just call me Morgan." I nod, smiling. "And, may I ask, what do your parents do for a living?"

        "Uh, my dad owns Bri's Cafe. That's where I work on the weekends."

        "And your mother?" Her question stabs into my gut, leaving me unable to respond.

        "Dinner is great!" Konan interrupts, then he looks at me with concern in his eyes.

        "Oh, gosh... Did I say something?" I shake my head and try to smile, only to have one corner of my mouth quirk up.

        "My mother left when I was four so... I don't know all that much about her." My eyes stop burning and the knot in my throat disappears. "She doesn't mean all that much to me." I look at Morgan, then Daniel, and my smile finally reforms.

        Dinner goes great. The Denshaws steer away from the topic of my mom, and we talk mostly about my academic future and my hobbies. When dessert comes, we're all silent, savoring the warm chocolate lava cake for as long as possible until it's been completely devoured. "That was great, Mr. and Mrs. Denshaw. Thank you for having me."

        They begin to reply, but the doorbell rings, cutting them off. "I'll get it." Says Konan, stranding and excusing himself. The next few minutes are spent in comfortable silence.

        "I'm gonna go check on Konan." I say, excusing myself as well. Going to the front door, Konan is speaking in hushed and angry sounding whispers, and I immediately stop when I hear a similar, gruff voice reply not so quietly.

        "Just let me in, little brother. I've had a long night and I have seat rash."

        "Then maybe you should drive a car like a normal person instead of a motorcycle." Konan spits.

        Walking closer, I see a guy not much older than Konan and I, with brown wind blown hair and deep pastel-green eyes. Holy mother of Batman... I think, starting openly at him. He steps past Konan, not taking notice of my presence yet, and shrugs off his leather jacket, revealing a black skin tight t-shirt and tattoos covering his arms. My kind of guy... Then, those mesmerizing eyes of his travel to me and a spark of amusement flashes in them. "And who might you be, ma'am?" He inquires.

        Konan shuts the door, looking confused before spotting me. His face turns angry as he stares at the stranger, who's still staring intently at me.

        "I-I'm Aubrey. Aubrey Curtis." He offers his hand, and when I give him mine, he gently places his lips on my knuckles.

        "Pleased to meet you, Aubrey Curtis." Him saying my name turns my stomach into jelly. Not as much as Konan, but still enough to make me queasy. "I'm Xander Denshaw."


>>> So?!?! Watcha guys think? I enjoyed writing this chapter, and I hope you enjoy reading it!!! Let me know :)

Love always,

<3 Mykenna <3

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