Chapter Twenty Four ~ Check Mate

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>>> Hiya guys!!!!!
So, we're nearing the end of this amazing journey, and I'm so grateful for the people who have been with this story since the beginning.
BUT, thanks and other stuff later, once this is officially over.
So, without further ado, enjoy my loves!!!
Love always, 
<3 Mykenna <3
Aubrey's POV

        It's been seven months since Konan and I officially met, and almost four since we became a real couple.

        I'm sitting at Konan's dinner table, dressed in a dark red dress that goes down to my knees, black stilettos, with my hair curled down to my waist. We're laughing and talking about prom, which is two months away and the rest of our future, which we're almost positive will be with each other.

        And that's when I get the call.

        My phone rings and, laughing, I excuse myself to answer it, but when I look down at the caller ID, my heart drops into my stomach.

        "Hello?" I answer hesitantly.

        "Hello, Miss Curtis. It's the hospital. We're calling to inform you that you're father..."

        "What happened?! What's wrong?! Is he okay?!" At this point, I'm hysterical and Konan has to pull me outside.

        "I'm afraid that your father has passed on. I'm sorry for your loss, Miss Curtis."

        No... He can't... I cry out and throw my phone, pulling at my hair and sobbing. I collapse onto my knees with my head in my hands, violent sobs wracking my body as I think about how my absolute best friend is gone. No, the voice in my head says coldly. Dead. I can hear Konan in the background trying to calm me down, trying to get me off of the ground, but I'm not there anymore. The part of me that was waiting for my dad to wake up is dead.

       I'm dead.
Konan's POV

        Aubrey hasn't left her room in almost two weeks, and the only one allowed in is me, but even then, she isn't herself. I can see the blood stains on her clothes and sheets, and she isn't bothering to hide her blades anymore, but I clean up anyway. I scrub the sink in her bathroom, which has small puddles of dry blood all over, and I use a soft washcloth with warm water to clean her arms and thighs, which are completely covered in deep, long cuts.

        Then, after all that, I lay with her and let her cry until she falls asleep, but even then, her body shakes with sobs and she is constantly shivering.

        She's lost a lot of weight. She doesn't care.

        But I wish she did. It would be so much easier.
Aubrey's POV

        "Baby Bri!" My dad calls, chasing me around the house. I squeal and hide in the hall closet. "Oh little munchkin... come out, come out wherever you are." I stifle a giggle, holding my nine year old hands over my mouth.
        Then, the closet door flies open. But, I'm no longer with in the closet. I'm in the hospital, watching as my dad lays in his hospital bed, broken and dying. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Daddy." I whisper. I reach my hand out to hold his, but then I'm alone in complete darkness. I look around but there's nothing except blackness and emptiness.
        Tears stream down my face. I'm about to call out when a voice interrupts me. "You couldn't even keep your dad alive. How pathetic." This voice... it's mine, but I'm not speaking. "You should just give up. You're not worth the air you breathe in."
        "You're wrong!"
        "Oh, I am? Try again, sweetheart. You're nothing but a broken, lonely little girl with nothing and no one else except Konan. But you're pushing him away, too. Aren't you?"
        "No... I don't mean to it's just... it's just-"
        "Is life too hard for you?" The voice takes on a condescending tone and tsk's. "Poor baby. Maybe you should make it easier on yourself and kill yourself already."
        "I can't do that."
        "Of course not. Why this time? Last time it was because you were too scared to try. What's the reason this time?"
        I'm silent. What is my reason?
>>> Please don't hate me...... *holds

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