Chapter Eighteen ~ Does it hurt yet?

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>>> I know it's been a while, I just haven't been in the best of emotional or mental states. Please don't ask...

Anyways, here's that new chapter I promised.

<3 Mykenna <3


Aubrey's POV

        "Ya know," I murmur to my dad, stroking his forehead, pushing his greasy hair off of his clammy skin. "I never thought it would be like this. I always thought-" My throat constricts, my eyes burn with unshed tears and my lip trembles. "I always thought we'd be together longer. I thought I'd never lose you. Not to something like... Like this." The tears spill, and years of memories pour out of my mouth, filling the empty space that should be him laughing with me and occasionally at me.

        The time he hired a fire breather for my tiki themed eighth birthday party and lit the Palm trees on fire.

        When I was turning sixteen, his gift to me was a gold fish because he didn't know what I would like even though I gave him a list.

        My first prom with Aimee and Anastasia, how he'd taken so many pictures the camera jammed and it turned out that all the photos except three had been blurred or his finger was in the shot.

        How for my seventeenth birthday, he took me to dinner, where his tuxedo sleeve caught fire from the candles on the table.

        "Daddy... I just... I need you back so badly..." I clutch his cold, sweaty hand in mine, so tight I'm afraid I'll pull his hand off.

        "Miss Curtis," someone says. "Your mother has signed everything over to you. Do you wish to carry out the procedure?"

        Shock overwhelms me as I turn to face the doctor and my mother standing in the doorway. With a slight shake of my head, I know it's not over. I can still get my daddy back.


>>> Short chapter I know, but I thought I'd keep it short and sweet.

There'll be a new update soon I promise. Just be patient :)

<3 Mykenna <3


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