Chapter Twenty One ~ Almost There

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>>> Okie dokie guys, I had the inspiration to write another chapter :)
And guess what????
I know, I'm heart broken too. But hey! There will be new stuff once this ends :) Just please, don't hate me for ending this! I love all of you for sticking with me through this and I hope that the same will happen with my newest story, to come after this.
Aubrey's POV

        After our little moment, Konan proceeded to make me step up onto a stage in the backyard and have everyone sing Happy Birthday to me. Once that was over, I slugged him in the shoulder, only half joking. "Asshole." He laughs and wraps his arms around my waist.

        "Are you having fun?" His eyes are so soft and he never takes his attention off of me. I nod, blushing as he pulls me closer. "Good." He kisses my nose and I lean my head against his chest. "Are you hungry?"

        "Not really. I am thirsty though." He starts to lead me into the kitchen when he stops, causing me to slam into his back. 

        "Konan, what's going on?" 

        "Go outside, Aubrey." His tone has gone from soft and caring to rough and angry, which worries me. I start to protest, but he just turns around and starts to push me outside again. "I'll bring you a soda in a minute. I just... I have to take care of something really quick." I huff and cross my arms over my chest, waiting for him to come back outside. 

        Then, I feel a tap on my shoulder, and when I turn I see Xander, Konan's older brother. "So, there's the birthday girl. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find you in this crowd, but," he holds his arms out, smiling mischevieously. "Here you are, as if you were waiting for me." 

        "I'm waiting for Konan. He said he had to take care of something." 

        "That something would be me. But, while he was ushering you away from me, I slipped away and came to find you." 


        "I just wanted to tell you happy birthday, Princess. Isn't that what my darling little brother calls you? It's kind of patronizing, don't you thi-" Xander is interrupted by someone slamming their fist into his face. I'm expecting to see Konan, but instead, I turn to find Jake, cradling his hand against his chest. 

        "Shit, man. You have a hard face." 

        "Jesus, Jake! What the hell!" I grab his arm and examine his hand; he's got a bruise where his knuckles connected with Xander's face, so I start to pull him away when I stop, dead in my tracks. 

        There it is. The one thing I knew that if I ever saw it, I would die; Jayde, with her arms wrapped around Konan's neck, practically sucking his lips off. I see that he's resisting, but she's strong apparently. 

        "Shit." Jake mutters, and now it's his turn to pull me away, but not before both Jayde and Konan notice. Jayde has a sick smile on her face, and Konan looks like he just got punched in the gut. 

        I wonder what my face looks like?


Konan's POV 

       By the time I finally get Jayde off of me, it's too late. Aubrey saw it all. Her face... oh God. She looked so hopeless and alone and... dead. Almost like she'd given up. But her eyes met mine before Jake pulled her away, and the spark in her eyes told me that Jayde had better watch her back and that I'd better apologize and beg until she decided to let me in again. 

        So much fucking progress, gone! All because Jayde was being a jealous bitch. Fuck my life! 

        I start to push through people when I see my brother holding a cold beer to his cheek which is... swollen? At this moment, I have two options; I can go and beg for Aubrey not to hate me, or I can try and figure why the hell my brother is bleeding and cursing up a storm. 

        I choose the former and head up the stairs where I think Jake would have taken her, but there's no sign that they've been up here. Damnit. That means he took her home, where I know she'll try not to cry but he'll tell her that it's okay and that he'll talk to me, and that will surely make her break down. She'll bawl her eyes out and I won't be there to hold her this time; Jake will. 

        I run to my car, seeing that I was right because Jake's jeep isn't here, and I speed off, burning rubber as I try and get to Aubrey's before he has the chance to be the hero. 

        I just hope she believes me. 
Aubrey's POV

        "Oh my god, I'm so stupid!" I'm screaming and smacking my forehead when we walk through my front door. I'm trying my hardest not to cry, but Jake is making harder every time he tries to hug me and comfort me.

        "He didn't even know Jayde was going to be there, Bri."

        "I swear I'm going to kill her! That stupid, jealous slut!" I pound up the stairs to my room and slam the door shut, locking it. I slide down, my back against the door, and lean my head back. Squeezing my eyes shut in an attempt to keep the tears back, I hear the squeal of tires outside my house. It's Konan, but I can't see him right now.

        "I'll talk to him, Bri. Just... please don't shut him out. You're both happier with each other, and I couldn't stand seeing you guys hurt." I don't reply because I know for a fact that as soon as I open my mouth, the tears will escape and I don't know when they'll stop.

        Why did this have to happen today?
>>> Hey loves!!!! I know, you hate me, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain!!!! :) please don't kill me!
I swear it gets 100000000x better in the last three chapters....
Can you believe that?! Three chapters left and then it's all over.....
Well, I have a 14 paragraph essay to write by Friday (today is Wednesday!) But I have six paragraphs done already!!!
Well, I love all of you! 

<3 Mykenna <3

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