Chapter Eight ~ Everything to him

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>>> Hello my loves!!!!! Here's another chapter for you guys.

I don't  What to say in these things anymore lol. But whatever!!!

Love always,

<3 Mykenna <3


Aubrey's POV

        I had originally planned to tell Konan to come over around seven, but dad wanted to have time to really talk with him. "Aubrey, don't you think you should change out of your pajamas?" Dad says with a questioning look on his face.

        "Well-" I'm interrupted by the door bell ringing throughout the house. Jumping up, I run up the stairs. "You get it!"

        Throwing open the door to my room, I sprint to my closet and begin searching for something suitable to wear, finding a powdery baby pink shirt that shows my midriff and a pair of white cutoff shorts. Not wanting to mess with my hair too much, I put it up in a messy bun, sticking a white bow underneath it.

        Makeup is a different issue. Slicking on some foundation and mascara, I finally hop back down the stairs, suddenly in a really cheery mood.

        As soon as my feet touch the floor, I see Konan. The white shirt he's wearing hugs his form, showing off his six pack, and the dark fitted jeans hang loose on his hips. I can barely breathe as I hug him, pressing into him. "You look cute, Princess." I feel the smile on his lips against my ear, making me smile too.

        "You're not so bad yourself."

        "Konan," says my dad. "Would you come sit with Aubrey and I in the living room?"

        "Of course sir." Konan smiles brightly at the father and follows him out to the living room.

        The entire night with Konan turns out to be a blast; my dad loves him, Konan actually liked my dad's horrid cooking, and I have finally come to the realization that I may have feelings for Konan, the boy I swore I hated the most. All because he was... Well, definitely not who I expected him to be. "You know," I say as we sit on my bed, munching on kettle corn while Konan lays his head on my lap.

        "What?" He says, throwing pieces up at me.

        "I never could have pictured this."

        He sits up, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "What do you mean?"

        I blush, trying not to sigh as I stare into his deep green-blue eyes. "That we'd be here, like this." The blush on my cheeks grows. "You know... friends."

        The smile on his face eases my nerves. "Friends?" I nod hastily, getting hot.

        "I mean, best friends but..." He leans the slightest bit over toward me.

        "What if one of us wants more?" His voice is rough and low, his eyes burning fiercely as he stares into my brown eyes. "What if..." his hand meets my cheek. "What if I want you?"

        "I-i..." I sputter, my eyes widening. "Konan."

        "Yes, Aubrey?" My breathing hitches. He's only said my name once, and at that time I hated him. But now... What do I feel now?

        "You're not messing with me are you? This isn't just some sick joke?"

        His brow furrows and his eyes glisten. "Of course not." I nod, tears flooding my eyes. Part of me was hoping he'd laugh and leave, calling me a stupid girl. A loser. Broken down. Ugly. And part of me, the bigger part, had wanted to hear exactly what he said.

        Just as I'm about to close the distance between the two of us, my cell phone rings. Upon answering it, I hear my mother's frantic breathing. "Oh my god, Aubrey!"

        "What do you want, Reneé?"

        "You need to get to the hospital now!"

        I glance at Konan with a confused look. "Why? What happened?"

        "Your father got in a car accident."

>>> I know... You hate me. And I'm sorry!!! But I had to do it!!!!
Please don't kill me v.v You know I love you guys, right??? I hope so because I do.
Well, I hope you continue to read after this. :3

Love always,
<3 Mykenna <3

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