Chapter Twenty Five ~ Game Over

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>>> HIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!
I know y'all hate me right now, but this will be SO worth it.
Love always,
<3 Mykenna <3
Aubrey's POV

        What is my reason?
        Taking a deep breath, I finally reply. "My reason... my reason is that this is just a test. A test of my strength and willpower. I haven't given up yet, and I don't plan on it now."
        "Oooh... Aren't you the brave little soldier."
        "Shut up and let me finish." It's silent. I continue. "I have too much to lose; Konan, my life with him in the short and long future. Aimee and Anastasia, who would be devastated if I gave up. My mom, as crazy as that sounds, because despite her absence, I know she loves me and I love her. Jake, who wouldn't know how to pass any of his classes without me and because I know he and Aimee like each other. And lastly, and most importantly, myself. I can't give up on myself, not when things are finally going my way. I can't stop living just because my dad did." I wince but continue. "I have to keep living, for him, because that's what he would want from me. He raised me to be a fighter, to never give up, no matter how tough the times or how tired of fighting I am. Wars weren't won by cowards or by quitters; they were won by people who don't give up and who don't know how to say 'I quit'. So that's my reason, and you can take it and shove it."
        "Well, aren't you the strong one now. Fine. Then don't give up. Be stubborn."
        "Trust me, I will."

        My eyes flutter open, and I'm greeted by the sight of Konan fast asleep, his arms wrapped around me. I smile and kiss his cheek, waking him up. His eyes widen and he sits up.

        "Aubrey..." his voice is music to my ears and I press my lips to his.

        "I love you." His eyes water when I speak for the first time in two weeks.

        "I love you, too, Princess." I smile and just hold him. This is a great reason to stay.
Four months later
Aubrey's POV

        "Come on, Princess! We're gonna be late!" I look back at Konan, who's waiting for me to finish my goodbyes.

        Turning back to Aimee and Jake - yes, they're together now - I give them both one last big, Boone crushing hug. "I love you guys so much."

        "We love you too, Bri." Aimee his me back with just as much force. When Jake hugs me, he lifts me off the ground and I swear I hear bones crack.

        "Don't be too reckless." Jake says as he puts me down.

        "No promises." Giving them a final smile, I jog down the driveway of Jake's house and get into Konan's car. It's packed full of stuff - our stuff.

       "Ready?" He asks, taking my hand in his as he drives away.

        "To leave this town? Hell yes. To go and start my life with you? Absolutely. College? Never."

        Konan laughs and brings my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles gently which gives me butterflies. "I love you, Aubrey Curtis."

        "And I love you, Konan Denshaw."

        So here we are, after a year of ups and downs, always finding our way back to each other. Miss Invisible and Mr. Popular, going away to UCLA together, and finally happy.

        What more could I ask for?
>>> It's over.... all of it.... It's done..... *bursts into sobs and rocks back and forth*
GAHHH!!!!!! I can't believe it's done.....
*sighs* well, thank you all for coming this far with me!!! I couldn't ask for any more :)
Now, on these next two journeys, I hope to have all of the support I did for MIMMP. :)
I hope you guys like the new ones as much as you liked this.
Love always,
<3 Mykenna <3

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