Chapter Thirteen ~ Jealousy's a B*tch

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>>> Herrow!!!! So, last chapter was pretty good :3 I would say at least.

But, here's another one!!! Hope you like it :)

<3 Mykenna <3


Aubrey's POV

        Waking up in the morning isn't hard, just really nerve racking. I try to open my eyes, but every sane thought in my head is telling me that it was just a dream.

        Except... it wasn't. It was so real, that Konan was still here, spooning with me in my bed. It's hard to believe that just almost two months ago, I hated him and he had no clue I even existed. And now, here we are, together. "How long are you going to lay there with that goofy look on your face, Princess?" I jump, startled, and turn to face Konan, who's now laughing like crazy.

        "Jesus, Konan! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" I smack him on the chest, but he just keeps laughing. I huff and get out of bed, only to get pulled back in by my waist. "Konan, we have to go to school."

        "Let's not and say we did. C'mon, Princess, I just want to spend time with you like I've been wanting to since I realized my feelings for you. Just lay with me."

        "We're going to be late." I huff.

        He groans, giving up and releases me. "Fine." He grumbles into the pillow. Within ten minutes, he's driven off, homeward bound to get dressed, and I'm pulling on a pair of ripped and tattered skinny jeans, a flowy, midriff showing purple top and wrapping my hair around a curling wand and slicking makeup on. After placing a matching bow to the shirt in my hair, I slip on a pair of black wedges. Then, someone honks out front, sending me flying down the stairs and to - wait. That's not Konan's car... It's... my mother's.


Konan's POV

        "Aubrey, sending me a text saying you'd be late to school isn't going to make me worry less. Do you need me to meet you at the hospital? I can have the guys bring flowers and shit."

        I hear Aubrey laugh on the other end of the phone call. "No. It's okay Charming. Aimee and Anastasia are here so I'm gonna catch a ride with them."

        "Oh... Right, yeah, okay." Jake holds in laughter, along with Ryder, Tyler, and Danny as I struggle to maintain my cool. The guys, though they know Aubrey, none except Jake know about her current... home situation.

        She sighs and says in a hushed voice, "I'd like it if you came. But you need to stay at school. Ya know, learn and whatnot."

        Huffing I go to respond but the bell rings, reminding me that I have history right now. "Yeah okay. Call if you need anything." She agrees and we hang up.

        "Aw, is your little girly friend in trouble Konan?" That voice... Oh Lord, help me now. I turn to see Jayde standing in front of me.

        "Jayde, your jealousy is showing." Ryder, one of the guys from the soccer team says, earning a laugh from Tyler, Jake and I.

        "So is your immaturity." Jayde counters, only receiving more laughter from the four of us.

        "What do you want Jayde?" I ask, still laughing.

        "Answers. Why did you pick her, Konan? Because she'd be easy?"

        "Oh Jayde. Silly, poor Jayde." I coo, the smile disappearing from my lips. "The only way easy here is you." I nod to the guys and start walking to class. "I don't have time for your drama, Jayde. Seriously, get over yourself."


Aubrey's POV

        "I'm afraid I have some bad news, Miss Curtis." My mother and I both stand when addressed by the doctor taking care of my dad. I glare at her and she sits, looking embarrassed.

        "What is it?"

        The doctor glances from my mom to me, obviously confused, but responds, "It seems that Mr. Jasper Curtis is in a very deep coma that I don't think we can get him out of any time soon. I'm very sorry."

        "But will he survive?" My eyes start to water. "Please tell me he has a chance to wake up." Silence. "Oh God..." I start to shake, the tears coming fast. "But..." Then, I'm stricken with blinding anger. Spinning around, my eyes immediately skim over Aimee and Anastasia, landing on my mother. "You... This is all your fault. If he hadn't left - if he had stayed home - with me and away from you..." I begin to seethe, starting towards her. "He'd still be awake if it weren't for you! I hate you so much! You hurt everyone without even taking any blaim! I fucking HATE YOU."

        "Aubrey, baby, calm down-" She stands advancing towards me.

        "No! You don't get to tell me to calm down you stupid, unfaithful, sadistic, heartless bitch!" Somehow, my hand stings and my mother is clutching at her cheek, tears of her own streaming down her face. Straightening up, I look down on her, now emotionless. "You shouldn't have come back. You should have stayed away with whoever it is you left with to begin with." She looks genuinely hurt, but I don't care. Her hurt now is only a fraction compared to what I went through my whole life. She can suck it up.

        "Bri..." Aimee whispers, putting her hands on my shoulders. "Let's get you home."

        "But school-"

        "We'll call Konan for you and tell him what's up." Stacey smiles, pulling me along with Aimee. I just nod, letting them guide me.

        "Ya know, I'm really envious of you." Stacey says, a light giggle following. "You're just so strong. I wish I had the guts to stand up to someone like that. Actually, I wish I had the drive to keep going, still stronger than ever, if something like this were to happen."

        "I've done it my whole life. After a while, you stop hoping for people like her and move on."

        "Have you done that yet?" Aimee asks when we get to the car.

        "Honestly..." I shake my head slowly, almost defeated. Almost. "No. It's not who I am, to give up on someone. But I'm getting really close."

        "Well, we're here for you when you need us. Always, Bri." Aimee's smile calmed me in a way nothing else except extreme amounts of best friend and chocolate time could do. And I was glad for that, to have two people I could always depend on.

        Even when my absolute best friend may be gone soon...


>>> I know, I'm terrible! But hey, a writers gotta do what a writers gotta do. :)

Next chapter, you'll love me for sure!!!!!!

<3 Mykenna <3

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