Chapter Twelve ~ Breakeven

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>>> Okay, so in the last chapter, I left you with Aubrey making a huge decision; let her hurt abd anger win, or let her feelings for him take control.

REMEMBER!!!! Aubrey is an extremely strong willed and stubborn type of person, so this really can go either way.

But, I'm not spoiling it :3

The song for this chapter is "Safe" by Britt Nicole :3

<3 Mykenna <3


Aubrey's POV

        "I..." The truth... That's what he deserves, what we both deserve but... I need time to think. "I need to think, Konan, before I make any irrational decisions..." It's silent, except for the occasional passing cars, and we are both frozen, staring at each other.

        Then, after what feels like an eternity, he nods and places his lips gently on my forehead, pulls away and starts to walk away. Then, he stops, his back facing me. "I will wait for you for as long as possible. I don't want to lose you, Aubrey..." Another silent pause. Now! The voice in my head shouts. Tell him now! No. I need to think. "At least let me drive you home." I hear him call. I walk to the car and get in, buckling up as we drive off.

        He doesn't show up tonight like he does every night, and he doesn't call or text me. He's giving me space, room to figure out my thoughts. Maybe he really does care... Outside, it's begun to rain, a little more than a light drizzle, and it helps calm me further.

        The lights in my room are all off, wrapping me in darkness.

        I only have two things I can do; save myself the pain and lose Konan who I'm pretty sure I care about a lot - not love, that's not possible. It's too early for that. Or, I can confess my true feelings like he did, ensuring a relationship. But... is it true? What he said... It felt sincere, but he's a boy, and a popular one at that.

        Getting out of bed, I walk to my window seat to watch the rain and out of the corner of my eye, I see his black car across the street, with him leaning against it with a jacket and hood. How long has he been there?

        I go to my closet and dig in the back, finding an old oversized Santana t-shirt, one of my old flannels and old, faded and ripped blue jeans. Before going outside, I pull my hair into a high - and admittedly sloppy but cute - ponytail, pulling a pair of worn out military boots on afterwards.

        What am I doing? I ask myself this question multiple times as I walk outside, getting sprinkled with the rain. You're deciding. You're finally, after hours of contemplating your options, you've decided.

        He doesn't look up as I approach, my hands in my pockets. "Hey." I call out, standing a half a foot away from him. His head jerks up when he hears my voice and - oh gosh. His eyes are puffy and red, the green going from pastel to neon almost, but still a smokey evergreen color.

        "Hey." He replies, his voice shaking. "You didn't have to come out, ya know."

        Shrugging, I reply, "I know. But..." I look down at my feet, kicking at the pooling rain water. "But I have an answer... to your question." Spit it out! Just tell him, damnit!

        He stands up straight, his attention completely focused on me. "Aubrey, I don't want you to-"

        "I'm not rushing my decision. I've been thinking about it for a while actually... I just... With all that you've done for me, I can't help but... I can't help but adore you. I've hated you for as long as I can remember. We've had at least three classes together since fourth grade, and you've never noticed my existence. Then, all of a sudden, our senior year rolls around and I'm your best friend? It just doesn't make sense to me." He stares at me, letting me have the spotlight. "But even with all of that, you've weasled your way into my heart and... I can't just let that feeling go. I've never had it, so I'm scared. I'm afraid your going to leave just like my mom..."

        "I'm not your mother. I will never leave you, Aubrey. You're my everything." He steps closer, cupping my face with his hands. "Please don't ever forget that..."

        Tears have formed in my eyes and start to spill, but I hope he can't tell because of the water dribbling down my face. By now, my flannel and part of my t-shirt is soaked, but I don't care. "I won't." We move at the same time, our lips meeting and moving in perfect sync.

        I don't know when, but my arms snake around his neck, and he's got one hand on my hip and one holding my face to his. Kissing in the rain, cliche I know, but it gives me crazy butterflies and it feels like fireworks are erupting in my stomach.

        Breaking away from him kills me, but the warmth doesn't go anywhere. He pulls me into his arms and holds me, keeping me warm and getting him all wet. "I don't ever want to lose you, Princess." He whispers, rubbing my back soothingly.

        "Konan," I push my face away from his chest and look him in the eyes. "Spend the night..."


Konan's POV

        I lay there in her bed, waiting for her to get out of the shower, when it strikes me; I finally got her. After almost two months of waiting, I am finally genuinely happy.

        The door to her room opens and she slips in, shutting the door behind her. "Sorry, I got suck under the water." I laugh at her dry joke and pull the covers open for her to join me. She immediately snuggles into my side, already beginning to drift off. "Hey, Konan..." She mumbles.


        "Don't leave if you wake up before me." I chuckle and whisper an okay to her before we both drift off, warm and happy.


>>> Awww!!!! How sweet :3 Still no daddy stuff, but I'm getting there :3

I'm off to bed now though so... no more updates for tonight :3 night guys!!!

<3 Mykenna <3

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