Chapter Seven ~ Sweet Nothing's

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>>> I'm really proud of this story so far!!!! I mean, as far as I can tell, it's going great!!! But that's just personal belief.

Alright... I know this is way different from my usual stuff, but I think this is the kind of thing I'm going to continue writing :) Let me know what you guys think.

Oh! And pretty soon here, I'm going to be going back and adding pictures and music to each chapter so... Keep posted with everything. I'll be posting about this in my feed so be sure to check up every now and then so you can go back and re-read the chapters with the music and picture added in. :)

Well, that's all for now my dears!

Love always,

<3 Mykenna <3


Aubrey's POV

        It's hard to believe that just a month and a half ago, I hated Konan Denshaw with a fiery passion that went soul deep. But that's how long it's been since he asked me to help him with this 'favor', but it feels like longer, like we've spent a whole lifetime getting to know each other the way we do. "Hey, Bri!" Jake greets me, pulling me into a tight, body crushing bear hug. "Dang girl, you're looking extra fine today, ya know that?" His light eyes roam my figure, taking in the faded, ripped waist-high shorts, black Sublime tee and red plaid flannel. Only once does he barely look at the ripped thigh high socks and shin high lace up combat boots.

        I shrug, glancing at Konan as a blush creeps up my face. "It's just me, Jake." The smile on Konan's face is tense and a little forced, but as soon as I'm caught looking at him for a second too long, Jayde jumps in and kisses him, taking his attention from Jake and I. In a moment of random jealousy - no idea why - I look at Jake with a mischievous grin and say, "Walk me to class?" He raises his eyebrow but nods.

        "Change in taste?" He asks once we're a safe distance from the others.

        "No, I just wanted to get to know you a little better. Is that bad?"

        "Nah, not at all." He smirks. "I just can't wait to hear what Konan has to say when he comes up to me after this." I send him a questioning look. "What..." He stares at me in disbelief. "Please don't tell me you can't see it."

        "See what?" I laugh, elbowing his arm.

        "Dude, Aubrey! The guys in love with you! I don't know how you did it, but you're all he talks about anymore." Blinking in shock, I stare forward, clutching onto my binder. "Don't tell hon I said anything about it, okay?" I nod mutely.

        I spend the next two classes thinking about this new revelation and how it's going to effect our friendship. Do I even like him back... Like that? Would we even work? The answer to the first question is still a tiny bit - okay, really fuzzy. But to the second one; he and I could never work. He's a popular, and - technically - I'm not. It could never be done without some major changes to the social ladder.

        History rolls around and there he is, sitting all perfect and carefree and... and just Konan-ish. Right next to Jayde. Damn. The seat next to him seems inviting, but after this morning's events, I don't want an up close version of Jayde's slut-work. So instead of subjecting myself to such torture, I move to my usual spot in the back corner, right next to the window.

        I can feel his eyes follow me back, and Jayde's death stare hits the back of my head. Turn away, I want to shout at Konan. Stop making me want to turn back around! I set my books down and take a seat, staring intently out the window. Please just let this class be over quick.


Konan's POV

        Ever since our heart-to-heart a month ago, Aubrey and I have been practically inseparable, tied at the hip. To be honest, I couldn't get enough of her. But, with ties growing between Aubrey and I, I was seriously considering breaking things off with Jayde. It was something I couldn't stop thinking about, and it was killing me.

        Confiding in Jake was pointless; he would pick Aubrey over Jayde hands down, and I couldn't ask Aubrey. She'd tell me to stay with Jayde. So, saying that picking the 'right path' would be hard. But, I'd do it.

        The hardest part... How to end it with Jayde. "Konan!" Speak of the devil. I turn to be greeted by Jayde's bouncing blonde curls and smiling botox face. "Hey, where've you been?"

        "Busy." I shrug as she plants a lip gloss kiss on my cheek. "I haven't had time for distractions." She frowns, taking a step back.

        "What have you been up to that keeps you so busy you don't have time for your friends?"


        "Konan!" I sigh and turn to see Aubrey bouncing over to me, the pastel green dress fluttering around her thighs. "Hey!" She exclaims when she reaches Jayde and I. Her eyes meet Jayde's cold, green ones. "Oh, hey Jayde."

        Jayde smiles smugly and replies, "Hello Aubrey." She tilts her head. "What do you want?"

        Aubrey's smile becomes as fake as Jayde's when she says, "Oh, I just came over to tell Konan that my dad was wondering if he'd like to come over for dinner at my house tonight."

        I turn my full attention to her, and smile. "I'd love to." The look on Jayde's face turns from annoyance to pure rage and hatred.

        "Dinner at her house?" Jayde spits. "Since when have you two been bff's, Konan?" The fury and outrage in her eyes isn't even close to being hidden by the fake, plastic smile coating her lips.

        I glance at Jayde briefly before looking back at Aubrey. "Bri and I have been hanging out a lot as of late." Aubrey's face flushes and her brown eyes glimmer. Looking back at Jayde, I continue. "And besides, she's much better company than you ever were."

        And just like that, Jayde is nothing more than just another girl pinning for my heart. And that's how I want it.

>>> Okay, so most of you probably don't read these things, but you should because they give you a door into future events. But, it's no biggy.
The next chapter coming up should be a good one so... :)

Love always,
<3 Mykenna <3


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