Chapter Six ~ Opening Up is Hard... Especially when it's to yourself.

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>>> Hey! I realize that every time I greet you, I saw hey lol. Well, here I am, writing yet another chapter for you guys. I hope you enjoy!

Love always,

<3 Mykenna <3


Aubrey's POV

        Crying is the most pointless action in existence. All crying gives you, are the hiccups, a red stuffy nose, puffy bloodshot eyes, and a lump in your throat. So why, you ask, am I crying? Because my abandoning mother decided to walk right into my house and tear my life apart again. Why can't she just leave me alone?

        My phone buzzes on my end table, lighting up with someone's contact photo; a smiling donkey. Konan. Why is he calling? I reach over and press the answer button, putting the phone to my ear. "What do you want?" I ask horsely. Damn. I had hoped that my voice sounded strong, tired at the most, but instead it really does sound like I've been balling my eyes out.

        "Shit, Princess," He says, sounding shocked. "Are you okay?"

        "I'm fine." I reply tensely. "What do you want?"

        "Where do you live? I'm coming over." I pause mid breath, staring at the wall in awe. "I... I just want to make sure you're well enough to continue with this." His stuttering tells me that he's lying.

        "Yeah, okay." I give him my address and fifteen minutes later, my dad knocks on my door as a warning, then opens it. I peak my head out from under the covers.

        "A boy is downstairs saying he's a friend from school." The questioning and protective look gleaming in his eyes makes my heart break.

        "Yeah," I mumble. "He can come up."


Konan's POV

        Her dad comes back down the stairs and gives me a defeated look. "You can go up." He pats me on the shoulder and says "Promise me, boy... Please don't let her be alone in this..." The hurt in his brown eyes kills me, wrenching my gut apart as I nod.

       "Yes sir." I start up the stairs and I'm immediately attracted to the door with bumper stickers plastered all over it. I open the door and the sight that greets me is one of a broken little girl wrapped in white bed sheets. "What's up, Princess?" I ask, a smile forming on my lips as I walk over and sit on the bed next to her. Why? No clue. I try to cover up the concern in my eyes, but I know it doesn't work, because a questioning look covers her beautiful face. I can't deny, I'm starting to like this girl. She's unique and I like that.

        "Just not feeling good, I guess." I lift the bag I brought with me, filled with chocolate and other candy.

        "I figured." Dropping the tough guy act. I'd been checking in on her constantly for three days, so I'm pretty sure she suspects my changing feelings. But never, ever will I admit it to her. Yes you will, Konan. You know you will. I sigh inwardly.

        She sits up, her silk sheets falling off of her. Rubbing at her eyes, she chuckles, "What's all that?" Upon pulling her hands away from her face, I see that her eyes are puffy and red, signs she's been crying. My eyebrows bend inward.

        "Sweets," I mumble, scooting closer and putting my hand under her chin. "Why've you been crying, Princess?" Her eyes widen and she pulls her face away, a mad blush growing on her cheeks.

        "I... Why do you care?"

        A blush of my own creeps it's way up my face as I pull my hand away. "Because... I don't like it when girls cry." The smile - small, but still there - that crosses her lips is genuine, something I'd never expect from a girl who hates me so passionately.

        We just sit there, talking and eating the sweets for hours, but the one thing she refuses to talk about is why she's upset. I don't push her, knowing that at this rate, she'll eventually tell me, and she continues her openness. Her favorite color is white, because it's pure, and her favorite band is Aerosmith. She's an old soul, and I like that. I like it a lot. I like her a lot.

        A knock on her door interrupts us, leaving us both laughing at an old childhood story she was telling. For some reason, none of her stories involves a mother figure. "Come in." She laughs, reaching down to take a candy bar from the bag. A woman enters, looking at us with a questioning look.

        Her blonde hair and tan skin resembles Aubrey's perfectly and she's built the same way - small and birdlike. But this woman has green eyes. "Aubrey, honey." She says hesitantly, not entering the room all the way.

        Aubrey freezes, her hand wrapped around a twix bar. "Can we talk?"

        Aubrey sits up all the way, the softness of her features hardening. "Go away." She whispers. I automatically dislike this woman for ruining the moment I was having with Aubrey, and for making her upset. Why? I have no idea.

        "I just-"

        "No. Leave." Aubrey refuses to look at whom I'm assuming is her mother. The woman nods, closing the door quietly behind her. Neither of us say anything for what feels like forever until she surprises us both by pushing the covers away and curling up next to me, her face in my chest.

        Hesitantly, I put my arms around her and immediately feel her shaking with sobs. As her hands clutch at my shirt and I feel the years of neglect and loneliness soaking into my shirt through her tears.

        I whisper to her, running my fingers through her hair, telling her that it would be okay and that I'd be there for her. But why would I? I shouldn't even be here, like this, with her.

        But I want to. I want to be able to have these moments with her, to be able to comfort her when she needs it. So I will. As long as she needs me.


>>> Aww!! Konan, you're so sweet :3 But what about Aubrey??? :O I guess we'll see ^.^

Love always,

<3 Mykenna <3

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