Chapter Fourteen ~ All is Fair in Love and War

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>>> Hey my loves!!! I know it's been a few days since I've updated, but I've just been really busy lately, but I'm here now with a chapter to make up for it!  :)

Whelp, here goes!!

<3 Mykenna <3


Konan's POV

        "What the actual fuck?!" I hear Jayde scream as she walks down the hallway. "How did this bitch take my place?!"

        Jayde is now standing right in front of me at my locker, fuming with her two lackeys, Erica and Gloria, right behind her. They don't look the slightest bit fazed by their best friend's rage. Instead, they actually look... bored? Geez, they're that used to her bitch-switch.

        "Honestly, you never had a place. Unfortunately for you, you were just a bed warmer." She gasps and goes to slap me, but a hand catches her hand mid air. Aubrey.

        "Lay a hand on him, I swear to God, you will be deeply sorry." Even I was taken aback by Aubrey's force and seriousness.

        Jayde yanks her arm away from Aubrey, stepping closer to her. "Don't touch me, or you'll be the one who's sorry."

        Aubrey wrinkles her nose in disgust. "Is it just me, or does the stench of jealous bitch smell like..." Aubrey's eyes flash in a way that scares even me. "Rotten fish?" The people around us burst into laughter, including some giggles from Erica and Gloria. Jayde huffs, turns to face her lackeys, then storms off.

        "Damn, Bri," Jake jokes, throwing his arm around her shoulders. "Didn't know you had it in ya."

        "Jake," I warn quietly. He glances up at me, then back down at Aubrey, and takes a step back. "So, Princess, wanna get to class?"

        She blushes, pushing a cheek behind her ear. "Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to come to the hospital with me..." I freeze, taking in that she's opening up, letting me in more.

        "Sure! Yeah, of course Princess." I take her hand, kissing her knuckles gently. "Anything for you."

        "Awwww!" Stacey and Aimee shriek in unison.

        Aubrey's blush grows as she tugs me away, muttering a goodbye to our friends. Our... I like that.


Aubrey's POV

        Driving to the hospital is nerve racking. I hope to God that my mother isn't there still, so that I don't have to face her. I'm not ready for that. "Bri..."

        I'm surprised when Konan interrupts the silence in his car. "Hmm?"

        "You don't have to do this, ya know. I don't want you to force yourself open if you're not ready to be vulnerable with me." I stop breathing for a few seconds, absorbing what he'd just said. "I mean, I love that you want to open up and let me in, but I don't want you to of its uncomfortable for you." He reaches over and takes my hand. "I just want you to be happy with me and being with me."

        I just nod, unable to respond because my heart is throbbing out of my chest.

        I don't think this boy knows exactly what he does to me.


>>> Short, I know, and I'm sorry, but everything I want to happen in this chapter has happened :) next chapter will have you on the edge of your seat for sure!

Well, until then ;)

<3 Mykenna <3

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