Chapter 26

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Blackhole stood in front of Cosmo with a smirk on his face. He had finally come face to face with his nemesis and he wasn't going to stop until he got what he needed.

"What is that," Blackhole asked.

"Something to be used against you," Bolts absorbed the electricity around him and hit him with it. This gave Cosmo the advantage to grab that thing and take off, back up into the disk.

"Bad idea," Atom exclaimed. Cosmo shook her head as she maneuvered her way down to the core. She set the thing down, standing back.

"Bad idea," Cosmo confirmed. She slammed the button on and took off as quickly as she could.

Back on the ground, Bolts somersaulted to the courtyard, where HeatStorm stood. He pushed himself up and stared at her.

"Whatcha got Bolts," she asked as she heated her hands with fire. "Let's give it a try, no?"

"Not today sweetheart," Bolts smirked as he took off.

Under the bunkers, Tanner was beginning to feel queasy. He's had this feeling before and it wasn't pretty. He was getting claustrophobic making him hyperventilate.

"Tanner," Hallmark called out. "Take it easy."

"I can't," Tanner shook his hands, sweat beaming off his face. He kept walking in a tight circle trying to relieve himself from this excessive feeling. Nothing was working. "I need to get out! I need to get out!"

Tanner sprinted for the door and opened it, slamming it shut behind him. Now, it was on complete lockdown. Tanner was running across the foundation of the high school, looking at the superheroes overhead trying to stop the disk from powering up completely.

"Come on Tanner," he told himself as he jumped onto the wall, jumping straight up for the air. His suit wrapped around him, placing itself snug over his body, giving him an armor. His mask got perfectly fitted over his face the second he landed on the platform, where Dark Matter was trying to pry off the beacon. "Matter!"

Dark Matter turned to see the stranger yelling his name. What was this guy doing?

"Let me," Tanner yelled, jumping up high once again, grabbing hold of Dark Matter's hand. "I got this."

"If more of you wanna be superheroes keep popping out like this, I quit!" Tanner scoffed as he placed his hand over the beacon and watched as the metal easily unlocked the beacon, placing it in Tanner's hand. "Who are you?"

"Space," Tanner handed him the beacon. "Now take this back down there to ship this thing back."

"Hold on," Dark Matter grabbed him as they just let themselves fall back for Earth. Derek yelled as Dark Matter appeared with Space on the platform. "Derek! Change the location back into the middle of no where!"

"That's not very specific," Derek yelled.

"Get the location ready to be inserted. I know where to send it," Space replied.

"Now where did this dude pop out from," Aaron pointed.

"Somewhere," Space spat. "Now just do it!"

"I'm doing it! I'm doing it," Derek exclaimed.

"You're doing it wrong," Ray pulled Derek back and sat down at the computer. Derek's jaw dropped as he tried pulling Ray back but nothing would happen. He just wasn't strong enough. "There's a problem. As long as there is blue energy on that thing, we can't send it back to where it came from."

"Why," Aaron asked.

"Because the blue energy is what is giving it power to come through that wormhole," Ray pointed to the thing in the sky.

Up in the sky, Cosmo could see that the energy was starting to pull back but with a loud bang, it kept going. She needed to go back again. Her main concern was getting caught by the aliens who came back. Blackhole saw her coming straight for him and he did what he did best, take her energy.

Cosmo crashed onto the metal, trying to get on her knees. Blackhole laughed to himself, stepping forward to hover over the girl.

"So weak," he pushed her over. "So small."

Cosmo grabbed her chest to see the energy leaving. This meant, even more of her energy was being pulled out. Blackhole held his hands up and inhaled deeply.

"I've never felt so alive," Blackhole grabbed her, taking her for the middle of the disk, opening the core door. Blackhole stared down at the core when he heard somebody yell. "I'll be right with you!"

Dark Matter and Space yelled angrily, coming straight for him. Space held his hand up, sending a pulse between him and Cosmo, sending him nearly over the edge. Space ran for Cosmo, trying to grab her from falling into the core.

"Hey, you okay," Space asked, grabbing her arm.

"She's not responding to me," Atom exclaimed in shock. "This never has happened! What's going on?!"

"She just got blacked out," Space picked her up to see Blackhole standing right in front of him.

"I'm sorry but-," Blackhole took her and ran across the platform. Atom yelled and chasing Blackhole with the boys. Dark Matter held his hand up, somehow managing to pull Blackhole back towards him. Blackhole frustrated, let Cosmo go and turned to face Dark Matter directly.

Cosmo was barely waking up, grabbing her head, sitting up slowly. A.P.S attached to her back once again and lifted her up.

"What happened," Cosmo moaned.

"He took a bit too much energy from you," A.P.S explained. "You scared me. The last time you had a blackout was when you first started changing."

"I know," Cosmo looked at Blackhole who was on the ground, pinned by Space. Blackhole suddenly grinned and rocked as the disk began to free fall! "What?"

"Stop it! This thing can damage half of the city," A.P.S yelled. The beam wasn't even going but it seemed to be preparing to amp up. The blue expanded out of the energy core, wrapping itself around Cosmo, pulling her in by force. "COSMO!"

"GET OUT OF HERE," she screamed as she clawed the edge of the top of the energy door. "GET OUT!"

Space and Dark Matter ran for her but she screamed at them too. If she was telling them to run, they better run. Both men ran off the disk and flew for the hangout meanwhile Blackhole stared at himself in her visor.

"You finally see the destruction you can cause. This is why I am suppose to stop you," Blackhole called out. Cosmo's grip gave away as she was pulled straight into that energy core.

"A.P.S," she screamed, not remembering they had detached. She saw herself turn completely blue as if she was going to overload herself. Her energy was being sucked out and in a tight sphere, twisting around her to get even more energy out of her. This was the end.

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