Chapter 28

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Cosmo tried to laugh but nothing came out. Bolts stared up at the sky and back at her.

"I think we stopped it, don't you," Bolts asked. Cosmo shook her head and looked back at the people coming out of the underground bunkers.

"You're the heroes," she looked at every single one of them. "Not me. Make sure you are hope to these people, they need it."

"We can work together," Dark Matter expressed. Cosmo laughed and pointed as the people began pointing at the three heroes and started running. Bolts turned but Cosmo was gone.

The next three weeks, the three were hailed as heroes and on every news reports all over the nation, asked for special appearances but couldn't always make it. They were heroes but deep inside, they knew if that girl didn't stop that core the way she did, she wouldn't of had saved the earth either.

Matter of fact, they were reporting her as a dangerous villain, not a hero. Bolts couldn't talk about her in any of the interviews because the power of the press could turn the whole story around.

This wasn't exactly the way he was looking for being praised as a hero.

Sitting on Mount Carver, he stared up at the stars.

"Good thing you look up there. Not down here," a familiar voice called out. Bolts stood up and turned around.

"Where have you been," Bolts exclaimed.

"Easy," she held her hands up. "I've been keeping a low profile."

"Thanks- for the help building this city."

"It's our job. How you holding up?"

"Fine Except it always bugs me that I know it wasn't just me who took Blackhole down. You stopped that weapon. The weapon is what could have destroyed the entire planet."

"That's why they are scared of me Bolts," Cosmo looked up. He noticed how her suit was still in process of reconstruction. Still didn't have all the metal plates back into place. "I can't be a hero if I scare them. People are scared of what they don't understand and trust. They trust you guys, they know you will always be there for them. I'm new, with this power that was shown across Sierra City. That's why you are taking the credit for everything because you were the one who took down Blackhole, not me. You did."

Bolts looked at her hand pointing to her chest.

"You made me proud," Cosmo laughed.

"Thanks." Cosmo stared straight at him (he thinks) and he heard her slightly smile. "We are a bunch of teenagers trying to make a difference in this world. We can't always do it alone."

"Bolts," she raised her head. "Enjoy these last months you have as a senior. They will go past in a blink of an eye. Treasure whatever friendships you might have."

"How do you know I'm a senior?"

"You just confirmed it," she laughed walking to the cliff. "Take it easy."

"You too. Will I see you around?"

"I don't know Bolts," Cosmo called out, turning her chin to her shoulder. "Depends. You might even see me everyday."

"You're going to help me right?"

"I think you can handle it," she turned to face him once again. "Don't let fear stop you from doing the thing you love. So cliche, right, but it's one true fact. Take care, Jason."

Bolts stared at her as she let herself fall off the cliff and shoot straight up for the stars. If she was going to the stars, he didn't doubt it, she could explore anywhere in the universe.

Jason pulled the mask off his face and stared back up at the stars, seeing how clear the Milky Way seemed to be. He could only smile.


"Derek, what was your rush-," Aaron muttered as he got pulled into the observatory. Ray glanced back at the man. "What's going on?"

"We have a problem," Derek glanced at Ray.


"It's a black hole," Ray announced.

"Okay," Aaron tucked his hands into his pockets. "What's wrong with a black hole?"

"It's not a normal black hole," Derek informed. "It's growing, pulling in hundreds of stars in by the hour. Might not seem bad at first glance but-."

"But," Ray continued. "This black hole isn't a normal one. We have reason to believe this black hole will keep growing until a high energy surge forces it to close."

"How do you know that," Aaron glanced at Ray.

"Because I've seen it before," Ray clenched his jaw. "It's what Zarco used to try to get me."

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