Chapter 27

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Bolts grabbed the energy dampener ray Derek had created, taking off into the city. In the hangout, the three men were staring up at the disk that began shooting the blue energy straight into the earth.

"Did you know it can do that," Aaron asked.

"It can destroy planets," Riyak whispered. "We need to go under."

In the streets, HeatStorm threw her fire straight at Space's head. It actually hurt! Bolts stared up at the sky to see the disk still hovering there. When he was about to fly up, Dark Matter held him back.

"You can get killed up there! You were already exposed too much the first time," Dark Matter exclaimed. Bolts jerked his arm out of his hands. He was doing this, if it killed him. He boosted for the air, arriving at the disk faster than anticipated.

"Look! It's the human who wants to take me down," Blackhole extended his arms out wide. "Give me the best you've got!"

Bolts yelled as his own lighting powered the machine in his hands. The energy dampener sucked in Blackhole's abilities and his own energy, making him completely useless. Blackhole's screamed in pain, not knowing what to do now. Since the blue energy was at its peak, the carbon monoxide and the electromagnetic field was high. Bolts could feel his electricity giving out on him. Blackhole's felt the last ounce of his energy out of him.

"Have a good trip," Bolts gritted opening a portal with the same energy inside the ray gun. Bolts shoved Blackhole's inside and closed it after him. He stood there, panting for breath, staring at the same place he had sent Blackhole's through.

The sudden drowsiness overcame him, making him struggle to stay awake. Bolts just felt the core explode and they were all falling for the ground.

Before the explosion, Cosmo yelled trying to retract her energy back into herself. That would be the only way to stop the beam from reaching the earth's core. She screamed in pain trying to do it but nothing would work.

"Practice! Focus," A.P.S told her. Even though they were apart, their neural connection kept them together. Cosmo stared at her hands and closed her eyes. "Wait! Wait! I found the main control panels. Get out and we can fry the circuits from there!"

Inhaling sharply, she pulled herself out of the core, feeling the blue energy pull away. it. Now, she had to run through all the hallways of that disk until A.P.S instructed her right into the control room. Rapidly looking left and right, she asked what she needed to do.

"Go to the main controls," A.P.S responded. "Hand on the ship's energy dampener and pull on it."

On the ground, Riyak yelled out at the falling disk. They hadn't even made it to the bunker yet. The four men saw how fast that disk was coming down. When it impacted, a wave of debris just shot up and over the buildings, crashing into windows and damaging cars.

"Riyak," A.P.S informed as it zipped right for him. Dark Matter and Space shielded themselves from the concrete dust as it began to settle. HeatStorm screamed from behind but Riyak grabbed her by the arms and lifted her into the air. She screamed but Riyak pressed his fingers deep into her neck, feeling her go limp under him. Dropping her, he stared at her normal face. She was oddly familiar.

"JASON," Aaron screamed running to him. He laid sprawled out across the concrete beams and covered in them. Dark Matter yanked the concrete off of him as Derek was trying to get a pulse.

"He has too much carbon monoxide inside of him," Derek impatiently grabbed Bolt's neck. "Aaron."


"He's dead," Derek whispered pulling his hand back. Dark Matter stared at Derek, denying everything.

"No! He's not dead," Dark Matter exclaimed, grabbing Bolt's and hoisting him up. "He's not dead."

"Where are you taking him," Derek exclaimed back.

Riyak looked around when he heard a desperate scream coming from the side of the disk. This scream wasn't a frightful scream, like the ones who hear in a movie. This was a life and dead type of scream, one that got under your skin and made your toes curl. One of a person who was screaming for help, one that needed someone to save them.

"It's her," Ray pointed. Heat Storm was trapped between the disk itself and a concrete beam that helped her not get as crushed as she already was. Ray looked at her extended hand so he grabbed it. "We are here. We will get you out."

Riyak looked at the disk and slid his fingers under it, lifting it up. Didn't work. Space didn't like her pleads of help since it felt like she was dying. He held his hand under the disk and exploded one of his pulses. The disk jumped up and with that Ray pulled HeatStorm out from under there.

Stepping up, they saw the severity of the situation. She stood there, hands literally shaking with fright. That's when she expelled her fire ability out of her hand, towards them.

"GET AWAY," Aaron's voice hollered. The four stood back to see HeatStorm, trapping them. She saw Bolts being hoisted up by Dark Matter. Cosmo after pulling herself out of the rubble, she yelled seeing the wall of fire coming for the four trapped men. With no moment to loose, Cosmo twisted with the tip of her foot, holding her hands up. She stood several feet away from the group, who was trying to revive Bolts.

"DO SOMETHING," Dark Matter desperately stared.

Cosmo and HeatStorm flew upwards but HeatStorm send Cosmo crashing back down for the ground where she stood.

"You think you can stop me? I'm powerful," HeatStorm set five buildings on fire with one single shot. Cosmo saw the next wave of fire coming for her. Standing her ground, Cosmo held her arms out, grunting.  With one final scream, she sent a pulse all around her, killing the fire right in front of her.

That same pulse, flashed through everyone, even Bolts.

Cosmo picked up the energy dampener, hitting the button then,  extracting the energy from HeatStorm. With her pleas of mercy, Cosmo pulled every ounce of her heat abilities straight into the thing.

Cosmo opened the portal with the same device, standing closer to Bridget Tolson, "We helped them. We helped them figure out a way to stop you. Look at what you did to this city. Zarco will be after you."

Cosmo shoved her inside the portal, watching it close after her. That portal led her straight into the cell in the police station. The Chief smiled saying, "I'm staring to like this Cosmo chick."

Cosmo stood there, staring down at the ground. HeatStorm was right, Cosmo's energy had destroyed nearly two thirds of the city. She turned to see the group, watching Bolts inhale a shaky breath and open his eyes. She stared at her hands then back at the group who were laughing, giving one another hugs.

"Did you just-," Atom asked as it detached. Cosmo saw Bolts turn and walk for her, with Dark Matter and Space behind him. "Here they come."

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