Chapter 15

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I was sleeping in my jell cell or trying to sleep and failing miserably when I heard a noise coming from behind me. I turned around trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. The cell had been silent up until this point. Before I could even fully turn around a hand was over my mouth preventing me from screaming for help.

I tried my hardest to yell and fight out from under him, but it was useless. I was now fully on my back kicking against him. To say I surprised to see he was a guard was an understatement. I could not help but wonder if this was it? Was this how I was going to die? Locked in a jail cell being strangled by a guard.

He easily lifted me up off the bed and wrapped the blanket and around my neck. I struggled and tried to get away but the more I struggled the tighter the makeshift noose became. I reached back trying to slap, grab, claw, at him. Anything to get away. All I was accomplishing was gaging as my throat was burning as it struggled to not be crushed under the blankets tight grip. It was almost impossible to get any air into my lungs and I knew it would not be long before I ran out completely.

"I'm sorry. I'm... I'm sorry." He said to me as he continued to strangle me.

I reached back in one final strike and managed to grab hold of his face. I called away wildly. Whatever I did work. He yelled out and grabbed hold of his face letting me go briefly. When he did I pushed back knocking him over and falling to the floor myself. I used all the energy I had to crawl to the bars. Hopefully, someone would see me and come help.

I screamed, no words just screamed out in pure pain and terror. I screamed for my life. Thankfully someone heard me and two guards came running over. Â

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