Decision Made

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"Shikamaru," I called out quietly shaking his shoulders. "Come on it's time for you to wake up."

"Shh let me sleep," he mumbled burying his face deeper into his pillows.

Today was the day Shikamaru and his classmates will take the graduating exam which will determine if he will become a genin or not. Today was a big day and for many students, today will mark a new chapter in their lives. "Come on Shikamaru you have your graduating exam today..."

Slowly peeling his eyes open he got into a sitting position rubbing his eyes. "Hopefully it's not too much work," he sighed while pulling his covers off.

'Oh, Shikamaru you're in for a surprise..' Taking his clothes out of the clothes I threw them in his direction. "Quickly hurry up and change I'll be talking you to the Academy today," I began. "We don't want to be late."


"Why did you come to drop me off?" Shikamaru asked as we walked through the streets of Konoha. The streets were still pretty empty at this time of day and for ones it seemed very peaceful as opposed to the loud crowds.

"Well, today is a big day for you," I responded. "Today is going to be the start of a new chapter for you. From now on a decision you make can affect your journey as a jounin."

"You think I'll pass?"

"Of course! Have a little more faith in yourself... you might be lazy but you have so much potential for you. All you need is a good sensei to show you that."

     "How was your graduation day?"

     "One of the happiest days of my life," I smiled thinking back to the day my 10-year-old self-anticipated so much.

The rest of the trip was pretty quiet up until we reached the Academy that is. The crowd of kids buzzed with excitement and anticipation. "Okay Shikamaru this is it-" I began but was cut off by a blonde little boy bumping into me.

"Oi my bad, sorry," he apologized turning around towards me. As I got a closer look at him I noticed his bright blue eyes and the three whisker markings on each cheek. 'He looks familiar...'

"Oh don't worry about it," smiling I began, "You're just excited! I wish Shikamaru was able to show his excitement like you..."

Shikamaru stood there shocked for a moment trying to figure out how I read him like an open book. Did he really think that just cause I left meant I forgot how he acted? I'm his older sister for crying out loud! It doesn't matter where I am or how long I'm gone he's my little brother and I will never forget how he acts. It's my job as an older sister after all.

Coming back to his senses Shikamaru shakes his head lecturing his classmate, "Be careful Naruto you could have hurt someone and who knows maybe the other person won't be as understanding..."

'Naruto...' I stood there shocked. No wonder he looked familiar he's pretty well known in the village. Sadly... he isn't known in a good way. From as long as I could remember lots of people despised Naruto and I never understood why it wasn't his fault. I bet some people who hate him don't even know why themselves. All I really know about Naruto is that his dad was Fourth Hokage Minato and his mother was Kushina. The Third Hokage asked us to keep the secret of Naruto being the Fourth's son a secret so no one really knows. I was able to meet his parents before they died during the nine-tails attack. Minato the most ambitious Hokage I've known was Kakashi's sensei and sometimes Minato would even train me... after a lot of begging of course. Shortly after I meet the fiery redhead, Kushina, her and I clicked instantly.

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