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All of us have felt,
The burn of anger,
The river of sadness,
The twinge of guilt,
The reflection of regret,
These things all unite,

The leap of joy,
The fall of fear,
The stab of annoyance,
The recoil of disgust,
The flood of feelings,
Running everywhere,

The spark of interest,
The flame of love,
The dance of distraction,
The bond of friendship,
These feelings are complex,
And we are meant to feel,

The flight of relief,
The pain of concern,
The flare of trust
The hollow of betrayal,
The fire of rage,
These are a few,
Of many emotions we feel,

For we are equals,
We all have feelings,
Some colourful,
Some murky,
And we will never part,
With our emotions.

My Book of PoetryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя