Chapter 10: The Chopper Run

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During the August of 1975, I met some amazing people. They weren't famous or well known, they were just your average soldier, but each one had stories to tell and I was the ears that listened. There were men who'd come from stations in the heart of Australia and some from the biggest cities. The patients would sing at the top of their lungs, just break into song at the oddest of times. Some of them had been in Vietnam for ten years, some were going crazy and had only been there for two.

'So, Bobby got a new story for me today?' I strolled over to the stocky soldier as the five am sun peaked through the windows.
'Na not today Sister.' He sighed, I furrowed my eyebrows.
'C'mon Bob, give us one!' Adrian chanted from the bed beside us.
'What's going on Bobby?' Sam asked, propping himself up on his pillow.
'It's my daughters birthday today, she's seven.' Bobby smiled at the thought of his little girl.
'Didn't know you had a kid!' Sam announced.
'What's her name?' Adrian asked intrigued.
'Her name is Georgia, and she was born two days before I left for Vietnam, she's been sending me letters ever since she could write and I get photos and lots of creations too.' Bobby explained, he rustled around in his pack that sat beside his bed. He pulled out a match stick model of the Sydney Harbour bridge.
'She's always telling me how much she wants to go to Sydney, we're from Melbourne, she's slightly obsessed.' Bobby laughed, handing the model to Sam.
'She could be an architect, if she ever needs any advice give me a call.' Adrian offered.
'Thanks mate, I'm sure she'll appreciate that, god it was cold the night she was born, you know that stinging cold that you get sometimes.' Bobby said.
'Oh yeah, I know what you're talking about.' Sam replied, he came from Falls Creek in Victoria and well it snows there.
'It was around midnight when Sally screams making me wake up quick smart, I carried her into the kitchen, where I set Sal on the floor, she screamed for a good two hours man, two! It was unbelievable.' Bobby recollected.
'Did you make it too the Hospital?!' I asked.
'Most certainly did not, my little girl was born on the floor of our kitchen.' Bobby started to chuckle at the fond memory. Sam and Adrian contemplated the story for a few moments before discussing.
'I'm not sure I could handle that.' Adrian was slightly concerned.
'You know the best thing that's come out of this amputation is the trip home.' Bobby stated, packing the model back into his bag.
'We're gonna miss you mate.' I told him.
'Sister Murphy you're wanted on the chopper.' Sister Marshall ordered. Everyone hated chopper duty. You were flat out all day, consoling men, watching at least half of the ones you nurse pass away, then once you land, you're thrown onto Ward duties until three o'clock the next morning. It wasn't the best system we had going.
'Well I'll see you later boys, safe trip home Bobby and if you're ever in Thornton beach, pop in and say g'day.' I waved to the 'three musketeers' before slipping into the chaos of outside.
'G'day Daniel!' I yelled over the roar of the chopper.
'G'day Brooke, hope in!' He greeted handing me a pair of earmuffs. I clambered in and dangled my legs out the door way as we hovered into the air. Penny was on route with us, she sat on the other side.
'Keep an eye out for the medical flag Brookie!' Daniel yelled. I gave him the thumbs up and kept my eyes peeled for the huge red flag. After about 20 minutes of flying over some dense jungle, the flickering flag came into view.
'RIGHTO!' I yelled out. We came into land and men filed from the jungle, carrying stretchers and dying me.
'Onto the chopper, yep we can fit eight.' I told the flustered men.
'What about this one?!' Someone yelled.
'Don't worry we're coming back.' I informed. We were loaded within sixty seconds. I hauled my body back onto the chopper.
'Right, Steele, Rodgers, Gleeson and Carmondy in the chopper Now!' Daniel ordered loudly. My mind hadn't registered the name he'd said until the beautiful face turned to me.
'Murphy!?' Pat exclaimed in astonishment. 'Pat?!' My mouth gaped open. To be in his arms after what felt like an eternity was the most incredible feeling I'd ever felt. My fisted hands gripped the back of his shirt as I cried hysterically into his shoulder. He pulled away and cupped my face just like that day at the MCG.
'What are you doing here?' He asked, tears running down his cheeks.
'I couldn't let you do this by yourself.' I wept. Pat pressed his lips against mine, I was so lost in the moment that I almost felt the waves of Thornton beach lapping at my toes.
'C'mon Murph, we've got men to save.' Pat whispered, taking my hand and hauling me back into the chopper. I made my way to the back of the helicopter, over the men, Pat hot on my heels.
'G'day mate, my name's Brooklyn and this is Patrick.' I introduced, my fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. The man's groggy eyes focused on Pat.
'You're the new bloke who plays for Australia, what the hell are you doing in this shit hole?' Blood gurgled in his throat.
'The same thing you are mate.' Patrick replied. Blood spurred out of the hole in the man's neck, I pressed my hands against it.
'Patrick I need that bandage.' I said, his eyes were wide and blood dripped off his nose.
'Pat! Bandage!' I screamed, his shaking hand handed me the blinding white bandage. I wrapped it around the neck of my patient tightly. Pat wiped his face with his shirt, revealing his pale face.
'I can't believe what this world is coming to.' He whispered under his breath.

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