Warnings & Invitations

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Lauren's POV

"Lauren, you can not do this." Ally warned me, pointing with both her finger and eyes.

"You don't think I know that? I'm not trying to." I defended as I began to pace the room.

"What do you mean?" Normani questioned, quirking a brow from where she had perched herself on the stool in the corner of my bedroom. Not that I ever used the room for what it was designed. It was all a part of the disguise, the trap.

My response came out as a quiet mumble, "It's... out of my control."

"Well get it back under control or I'll fix it myself." Snapped the Polynesian who had just reentered the room.

"You've got the hearing of a mutt, Dinah." I mutter under my breath, and as if to prove my point she shot me a glare at the almost silent comment.

"We're serious, Jauregui." Ally growls, "The mutts are the reason you can't pursue her. She's already been claimed by them."

"You can't claim humans, Ally. It's not righ-"

"You didn't have a problem with it before." Normani pointed out, and I shot her a look.

"Yeah, wasn't it you who came up with the treaty in the first place?" Dinah leered.

"Yes, but-"

"So what's your problem, Lauren?"

I didn't know who had spoken, because I felt a deep-set anger rise in me after being interrupted. It was one of the things that set me off, as weird as it is, and the girls knew that.

My nose flared as my upper lip began to twitch into a snarl. Fists tightening at my sides, I glared at each of them and left before any damage could be done.

It wasn't until I had left that I thought about their question. What was my problem? It's not like she was different to any other human they've claimed as their own; it was just a part of the truce after all; but, I just couldn't seem to keep myself from wanting something from her. What that something was I wasn't sure.


"How was your first day?" Dad asked as soon as I set foot in the front door. I shrugged my backpack off and headed into his office.

"It was alright, I made some new... friends." I muttered, but he didn't seem to notice my pause before the word. Jade and her closest friends, Racquel (who I had confirmed the name of), Lucy, and Alexis, were... not the type of people I'd usually mix with. To put it simply, they were bitchy popular girls who were on the cheerleading squad, constantly put other people down, and couldn't care less about anything other than boys and themselves; aka the people I'd been running from my whole life. Then there was Camila, and she was quiet and reserved but once she opened up to me a little we actually got along quite well. If I was going to stay in this 'friend' group that I had fallen into, which would be difficult not to do after having them in all of my classes and not having anyone else to sit with at lunch, then Camila would likely be my lifeline.

"Good." Dad nodded, "Dinner's in the microwave."

"Thanks." That's how most of our conversations went nowadays, since he was always busy with work. I didn't mind though. I still had a better relationship with him than a lot of other people did with their dads and for that I was grateful.

I headed into the kitchen to take the fast food meal from the microwave and had barely began to dig in before my phone started buzzing in my pocket.

Camila: Hey 👋

I was fast to shoot back a reply, seeing as I had nothing better to do anyway.

Me: What's up?

Camila: So, I'm going to get straight to the point.

There's a party tonight and Jade won't stop nagging me to ask you to come


Me: that's okay

Why didn't she just ask me herself

Also when and where?

Camila: idk she's a little confusing like that, she'll probably make Alexis ask you next time

If she invites you herself it's 'a big deal'

But it's at somebody's house. I can take you if you want.

And it starts at 10

I was grateful that I'd started school on a Friday because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to go. Then again, I was not sure if l did want to go at all. After some thought, I decided I'd go even if parties weren't really my favorite things because who knows, maybe I'll meet some actual friends there.

"Dad!" I called from where I sat.

"Yeah, y/n?" His voice barely made it to me from the office.

"Can I go go a party tonight?" I shouted back, not realizing he had entered the room until he stole a fry from my plate.

"Yeah but make sure you text me when you get there." It was the response I had expected because he's always been pretty laidback about these types of things. He was just glad I had friends who I could go to parties with rather than being a complete loner.

"Thanks." I smiled, giving him a hug. He returned it and took a handful more fries, pushing them all into his mouth before continuing.

"And don't stay out too late. And make sure you have a way to get home. And don't do drugs."

I chuckled at his advice before texting Camila back.

Me: alright I can come :) here's my address: *insert address*

When will u need to pick me up?

Camila: is 9:45 good?

I checked the time; that gave me about 4 hours before she got here.

Me: yep

Camila: cool, I'll see you then! 👋

Author's Note - let me know what you're thinking of the story so far! I'm really enjoying writing it so I hope you're enjoying reading it (and the pace will start picking up soon, don't worry) :P

Vampirical -- Lauren Jauregui x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now