Chapter 1

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“Eli! Duck!!” Peri yells. Eli quickly squats while Peri throws her axe at the monster. And turns into gold dust. Well, for about 5 seconds.

“Urgh not again!” Eli complains while running.

“They just can’t stay dead,” Peri adds breathlessly .

“I’m out of weapons!”

“Not for long!”  Peri points out.  

The two girls had previously found out that whenever they got rid of a weapon a new one popped in front of them after a few seconds.

“Thank the  gods dad’s helping us out!” Eli smiles while picking up her tomahawk.

“Why did he send me a bow and arrow, these are wimps weapons” Peri sighs.

“What in the name of hades?” Eli says, “Dude.. dad wouldn’t give us that, it’s obviously a ‘gift’ from Apollo.”

“Watch out.” Peri says nonchalantly.

“Oh.” Eli throws the tomahawk and impales the disgusting monster’s face. “Yeah.”

“Dont get too cheerful shes not really dead, see.” Peri sighs shaking her head as the gold dust begins to reform. 

“Do you know how to use a bow and arrow?”

“No” Peri shakes her head.

“Then start running.”  


Heyy me and my friend MCarley55 collaborated and made this :)

If you would like comment or like it, we would know if you want more.

Otherwise we might not continue 

<3 Love you all 


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