Chapter 6

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Peri's POV

"Eli and Leo sitting in a tree K-I-S-Z-E-N-G"  I’m pretty sure thats not how you spell it buuuut-

Eli punches me in the gut again, "Ouch what was that for?"

"Focus on the quest!" She sighs.

"How am I supposed to do that with ADHD?" I ask.

"Making songs about me kissing that wimp isn’t going to help us. And besides he doesn’t only like me he also like youuuu!" She teases me.

"Well who doesn’t love me?”

“Well I can name a few- “

“Other than JAKEE!"

"Jason." Eli corrects me.



"Yeah okay, so let's look over what Oracle, I mean Rachel said." Eli orders.

"You shall find the tortured soul in the midst of suffering and pain. Twin souls alike, but Greek and Roman combined. Dark truth will be uncovered that will either break or gain. Eyes shall see behind the lies of their Lord who has slain." Peri reads aloud.

"A tortured soul..." Eli ponders.. "A place that has a lot of tortured souls? Like maybe a natural disaster or a mass killing rate.."

"Yellowstone Calder, Mount St. Helen for Natural Disasters. And Colorado, New york for suicide shooters. No, we have to narrow it down from that.." Peri adds.

"You're right. Lets look at it again, You shall find the tortured soul in the midst of suffering and pain. Soul. Singular. Not plural. So it couldn't be any volcanic eruptions that have happened recently.. How about Mount Hood in Portland? That old thing hasn't been active for years." Eli suggests.

"It's our best shot." Peri says.

Eli's POV

I've been thinking about the entire prophecy. So far we have gotten the first line, we have to go to Portland. Twin souls alike, but Greek and Roman combined, must be the gods greek and roman shifting in and out of form. I don't know about the other lines and I'm not so sure I want to. All I can hope is that we get to the Phineas guy and find out what Apollo and Mars, I mean Ares, wanted us to know. Why did I say Mars?

Peri's POV

Thats one of the most disturbing prophecies I've ever heard. I look over at my sister, she is determined to finish this quest. Okay I’m going to try and not be super boy we go.

"Dude do you think Leo likes me?" I ask. Good start.

"What? Seriously you're thinking about that when we have to get to Portland  and I quote uncover the, 'Dark truth!'"

"You’re right he probably does, I mean why else would he be following us!”

“Well of course you are the daughter of Venus!” Eli says heavily coated with sarcasm.

“As I am the 'daughter of Aphrodite,’” I correct her, “We’re not Roman my dear sister! And I think that you aren’t all that to look at." I laugh at my own joke, My sister is a lot to look at, she is super stunning and she just doesn't care. Shame, the Aphrodite charm is  wasted on Eli.

"Yeah, yeah" she mutters not really paying attention.

I think all the boys in the world should be chasing me right now. I mean why do I have to chase Jake...Jason, when he should be chasing me?

Leo’s POV

I can’t believe it. I am stuck inside the Blonde’s backpack with a depleting amount of oxygen! DAMN I’M LUCKY! I can hear their voices but its all muffled up.

The Daughters Of The War God - Τηε Δαθγητερσ Οφ Τηε ςαρ ΓοδWhere stories live. Discover now