Chapter 4

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"Haha very funny." Peri says sarcasticly.

"Now leave or face an untimely death!" Eli shouts. The presence of this stranger was filling them with rage and anger they could not describe.

"You aren't wise if you are going to challenge the War God." The stranger chuckles lightly.

"Wait?" Peri starts.

"What?" Eli finishes.

"Sit down. I am sure you have many questions, and I cannot promise I will answer all of them." Ares makes big leather office chairs (the one's the CEO's have) appear. 

As soon as they sit down Ares begins his story...

"Your mother, Aphrodite is married to Hephatus, and we, by the command of Zeus made us have, well you know. The god of love and the god of war having a child that could be unstoppable! Love and War may seem so different, but they are actually very similar. Where do you think they got the saying, 'Alls fair in love and war.'"

"Wait?!? What?! There is no way Aphrodite is our mum!" Peri scoffs. "If she was, I think we would know!"

"Erm.. Peri.." Eli says sheepishly.


"I knew." 

"Wait.. you knew and didn't tell me?" Peri is quite for the first time. And instead of being angry she was... hurt.

"Yeah you are boy crazy so I kind of figured it out.." She answers slowly.

"You knew and didn't tell me because...? I thought we were meant to tell each other everything, we're sisters..." She begs.

"This is what your mum's supposed to deal with, I'm just here for the fighting and stuff." says Ares 

"You're our father, your meant to be there for us," Eli shouts.

"There's more to us then just fighting and love." Peri spits out.

"And whats with 'Zeus made you do it' thing are we just experiments to you?" Eli accuses.

Peri gasps, "yes we are!" 

"You're disgusting.." Elinor spits out. The girls forget about their fight just two seconds ago and unite together against their father.

"I'm your father, Show respect to the ones who can kill you" When he removes his glasses they both gasped at the sight of his eyes.

They where two empty sockets with fire burning in them. Peri couldnt speak, and Eli knew it wanst a good idea.

"I'm glad we have an understanding." And with that note he disapeared.


"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME????" Peri screamed while throwing rocks at me. 


Peri stops and looks at the rock in her hand she's about to throw, "I guess you're right..." She mumbles.

"Wait what??" I say in confusion.

"I said... I guess you're right.." 

"Sorry what?"

'I SAID YOU ARE RIGHT!!!" Peri finally shouts. 

I pause for a second then say, "Yeah I know. Now come on we have to find this Phineas person." 

"Yeah, let's go find someone we know nothing about!" Peri yells.

"Yeah, thats why we are going to find Rachel" Eli points out.

The Daughters Of The War God - Τηε Δαθγητερσ Οφ Τηε ςαρ ΓοδWhere stories live. Discover now