Chapter 2

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“Eli!! Why are you stopping??” Peri yelled.

“Look. That demigod is being attacked by two gorgons!” Eli shouts, “We have to help him!!”

“No!” Peri grabs Eli by the arm and drags her, “We already have enough monsters on our hands.”


“There’s no time!” Peri drags Eli reluctantly out of the view of the boy with the sea green eyes.

They kept running and running, and minutes started to tick by.

After running 10 minutes, they stop to catch their breath.


Peri throws her bow on the ground “All I have is this pathetic excuse for a weapon!”And suddenly bright light illuminates in the dark sky.

Apollo suddenly appears out the bow.

“Is that how you treat a weapon? I’m sure your father taught you better then that.” He says shaking his head.

“We are running out of food and ambrosia, and Eli has an infected cut. And you give me a bow? A bow. Real smart Apollo. Real smart.” Peri yells.

Apollo just sighs “Maybe if you had helped that boy you might have gotten more weapons and food.”  Apollo shrugs obnoxiously. Eli, furious with her twin, hits her hard on the shoulder.

“I told you!! But you wouldn’t listen!” Eli screams.

“See. The infection is making her hallucinate.” Peri sighs, “So young.” Suddenly a branch hits Peri on the head. Peri turns around to see Eli's red, fuming face.

“Now are you going to help us or not?” Peri screams while rubbing her head.

"Depends." Apollo says while cleaning his nails. 

"On what." Eli says gritting her teeth.

"On you." Apollo says with a mischievous  grin. 

"NO NO NO NO NOOO!" Peri screamed when she realised what was happening.

"You, and only youuuu! Your heart may be as sweet as a fury! And you smell like a flesh eating horse's stall! But we LOVEEEE YOUUUU-" Apollo sings.

"Oh gods.." Eli facepalms.

"WE GET THE POINT!" Peri finally interrupts after a few more minutes of Apollo's 'song'. 

"Are you sure? Because I have no idea what was going on." Eli adds.

"You have to start caring and helping others. Otherwise one day, you will be alone. Alone and defenseless to the Earth goddess. If you wish for this not to be your end, seek out Phineas. He will show you what could be your fate." Apollo says greviously. 

"What? We care! about eachother" Peri points out.  

"Well from now on you must help anyone you see in need. Why do you think your dad stop giving you weapons, he evens knows the price of a cold heart." He winks at them both and dissaperes.

"Oh my gods like thats gonna happen!" Peri shakes her head.

"We're daughters of Ares, we aren't supposed to be giving hugs and kisses out!" Eli adds.


"We need food and ambrosia! Not a confusing prophecy!" 

And right where Apollo was standing was food and ambrosia appeared. 

"Well what about weapons?" Eli looks around the pile of equipment Apollo gave them. "Why isn't dad helping us anymore?"

"Looks like we have to start helping.." Peri grumbles.


Second Chapterrr! 

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Love you alll 




The Daughters Of The War God - Τηε Δαθγητερσ Οφ Τηε ςαρ ΓοδWhere stories live. Discover now