Chapter 8

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Peri’s POV

I’ve been listening to their entire conversation and I found of Leo trusts me.. Oh no. Im more of Aphrodite’s daughter then Ares’s and I want her and Leo to go out so badly they would be the… um.. how you do you say this, the cutest couple ever.

After five minutes of silence I'm not that worried maybe they’re making out… AHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAH HAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH no. While they're in there I play around with my hair then out of nowhere Leo is there. No, no, no my plan is completely failing.

“Hey, whats up?” he asks.

I give him a look, “You should be in there...” I tell him.

He gives me a funny look, “why? so your sister can beat me up? She already punched me twice!” He complains while rubbing his arm. "Or do you want us to fall in looooovvveee!" He says jokingly.

“Yes! Why else would I have left the cave?” I say. Oops...I did not mean to say that.. I shouldn't have say that… I should not have said that.

“Wait what do you mean I don't like her like that” He says while shaking his head.

“Oh.. its….the thing told me like she said that…. you guys would… each other…” I stumble at my words.

'Are you sure the thing wasnt talking about someone else and your sister?” Leo asks me grinning.


“Thats what I wanted before too, but not anymore..” Leo says looking more dramatic by the second. I want to punch him so bad, he probably broke her heart just by coming out here. "Love is in it's own way.. torture..."

"Oh my gods.." I facepalm myself..

“I think you should go back in. Actually I know you should go back in..” I tell him in a cold voice.

He shakes his head “No thanks.”

“It’s not a choice.”

Eli’s POV

Leo left the cave. Well I did punch him, but like still…. 

At least I found the safest route to Portland.. it’s quite a bit longer but the fastest route isn’t one I want to take.

“Hey Eli.” Peri says quietly entering the cave followed closely was Leo.

“Hi.” Leo says stiffly.

“Are you guys ready to go?” I ask. They both nod..

A little later…

“What does that say?” I ask a stranger and point a sign.

“Motel….” The stranger says slowly, they probably think I’m dumb.

“K.” I say and walk away.

“She means thanks.” Peri says. 

We all walk into the motel and check in, the woman at the front desk gives me a warm smile as she passes the key to our room. But there is something unnerving about her… I can’t place my finger on it..

We’ve made camp again, this time in the small Motel room. I get the single bed while Peri and Leo get the floor, They said it’s because I’ve worked the hardest, but they obviously just want to be close to eachother. Peri and Leo have gotten closer but every time Leo tries to make a move, Peri gives him a punch softer each time. After a couple minutes she falls asleep with a smile and Leo keeps staring at her dotingly. I hate that he likes her. And I hate that she likes him. But they are so cute together it just makes me hate them even more. After a couple minutes he curls up beside her and starts snoring.


Leo's POV

I had the weirdest dream, I always have weird dreams but this was just like ugh no. First of all there was too much pink and glitter!  Believe it or not, I am a man. 100% pure muscle. You can smell the testosterone! Okay.. maybe not that but… you get the point.. hopefully… I PROMISE I’M NOT A CREEP!

A couple seconds later this lady comes out of no where she is.. words cannot describe how beautiful she looks okay maybe she over did the pink but she still looks gorgeous.

“Damn girl, you fineeeee!” I say.

“No. Just no.” The beautiful woman says. She looks oddly familiar but I don’t know where from.

“ who are you pretty ladaiiiiii?” I ask.

“Love, I am Love” Ohh shes Aphrodite.

“So Aphrodite?” I ask

“Of course who else did you think I was?”  she says looking offended. “I don’t look like Athena now do I?”

“ So why am I here exactly?” I ask

“Well, just wanted to let you know that I will be making your love life very interesting…” she giggles.

“Wait what?” I ask I can never understand these gods.

“You will see soon enough.Hahaha time to wake up!” She says, and when I do I wake up to screaming.

The Daughters Of The War God - Τηε Δαθγητερσ Οφ Τηε ςαρ ΓοδWhere stories live. Discover now