Chapter 23

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Michael’s Pov

Wow…. what just happen? One second she was here and we were making out and having fun and the next thing I know she’s disappeared with a puff of pink smoke and glitter.  

Aphrodite strikes again!  

“Love..” I mutter aloud.. “What a piddly ass word. For a piddly ass goddess.” Then I cover my mouth. Shit, she might be the goddess of love and sparkles (or whatever) but she is powerful. Aka she knows people. Such a typical white girl.  

“Right when I thought we were going to go all the way, Aphrodite comes. Thanks. THANKSS!!” I mutter to myself

I continue muttering and grumbling to myself and I bump into Leo.

“Uh.. hey..” I say awkwardly.

“Um.. sorry..” He replies just as awkward.

“Same here..”

“I….I..Just miss her-”

“Don’t. You don’t have to explain yourself to me. I get it.”

 “Thanks.” He looks up and gives me a half weak smile.

I feel really sorry for him. Like right now, I already miss Eli and she’s been gone… what?..... 10 minutes. 

10 minutes is actually the longest time I’ve been away from her. Yeah I know. ITS A SAD WORLD! LIFE HAS NO MEANING ANYMORE!

“So where’s Eli….?” He says.

I jump, I forgot he..well….existed…………

I say in a high pitched fake voice, “‘The goddess of love and sparkles and pink glittery shit’ came and took her somewhere.”

“Oh.. so…. I mean like when will we dock?” Leo says biting his nails to the cuticle.

“In about half an hour.” I say.

“Oh ok.. I.. I’ll go get ready…”  He leaves. Phew.  

Eli’s POV

Shit… what am I supposed to tell Aphrodite? I mean first off, love = no no. And second well there is no second.

And ‘Lets talk about Peri.’ That’s obviously some sort of love trick to see if I love Peri or not. Or does she legitimately not know? Then that would make no sense. I mean she is a god. Or is she a titan? Seriously that battle has been going on for millennias and no one knows if she is the oldest god or the youngest titan!


“Um… she got kidnapped and we’re trying to find her…” I manage, Her eyes go wide then she regains composure.  

“Elaina dear… have you ever thought your sister could be a powerful asset for the greeks?” She asks.

“No..” I say unsure of what to say.

“Or a indestructible weapon for the Titans.” She finishes coldly.

“What’s that supposed to mean? Peri is still trying to figure out the 4 times table! I mean a weapon….. I just can’t see it happening.”

“Then answer me this.” She pauses and takes a sip of tea, “Why did they take her and not you?” 

Leo’s POV

Well… That was the most awkward conversation of awkward conversations.  

And seriously Eli disappeared when Peri’s life is on the line! Some sister she is.

But then again….I let her be taken. But it wasn't me! Someone , something was in control of me.….it…. It let the monster in…

The sirens where just a distraction, The real plan was to get her. I don’t know how that happened. I don’t know what possessed me. Its all my fault… How could I have let that happen.

“Leo we’re docking soon” Michael says with a soft smile. Oh gods everyone is treating me as if I’m some bomb. As if I’m going to go off at any moment.  Well of course I’m on edge. The girl I, well love, could possibly be dead. Oh my gods…..she could be dead… I mean it crossed my mind but, but, I always repressed it.

If anyone or anything has hurt her I’ll kill ‘em! I swear! No no no… I shouldn't think like this. Everytime I do I go spastic and break things (I broke 4 pot plants.) She’s smart she probably escaped…. I hope.. Maybe… Okay  I know that anyone who meets her will think she’s an idiot, a happy, friendly idiot though. Right, that doesn’t make it any better…..  But she actually is a lot smarter then she lets on…. on occasion….. like once in a full moon when a lion, a meerkat, and a pig singing akuta mata.

She may be an idiot but she’s my idiot, and nobody messes with Leo. Apart from Michael….and Eli...and Peri….and the entire year 6………

Peri’s POV

I grit my teeth and bite my lip. I focus all my attention onto a bead of sweat rolling across my back. I can’t think of the pain. The more I do. The more the pain intensifies.

I feel a scream tickling the back of my throat. No I will not scream. Over time I learnt it doesn't help ease the raging pain.  I try focusing on something anything other than the pain but I start seeing black spots dance across my already poor vision.

I have to stop this. It’s only getting worse. I try to get back on my feet but I feel like I weigh a thousand pounds and my arms give up.

I try again. And again. And again. Until I finally shakily sit up with my back leaning against the wall. I lean there panting for a few minutes before asking,

“Just tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it.” I know it probably wants me to do something like ‘kill your friends’ or ‘Admit defeat and let me eat you’ but I'm so desperate that both those things sound like heaven.

“Now why would I want anything from you? Watching you struggle holding on to dear life is very entertaining!” The monster cackles spitefully. There is a sharp note in his voice of mockery.  I stare back at it with all the hatred I have.

“You will soon go to hell.. don’t fret young demigod. Or should I say God.” It continues.

“I’m already there.” I reply weakly and ignore his remark about me being a God.

I sigh and stare into the darkness. So this is how I’m going to die? To be honest death sounds very welcoming. Almost...peaceful….. I finally close my eyes and stop fighting the pain.

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