Chapter 9

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Leo's POV

The moment I wake up I’m aware someone is screaming but I can’t figure out who.. it sounds like a girl.. just not a human girl..


"Oh my gods what the hell is that thing?”  I shout and Eli screams

Eli's POV

"Rarhhhh" the thing shouts.

"Oh my gods what the hell is that thing?" Leo shouts getting up.

"Oh no it can't be..." I shout

Leo's POV

"Leo my brave, brave boyfriend save me!" Peri yells. Okay fine she didn't exactly say that. But she said something like it.

"Leo, get your ass up and help us fight!" Is what she actually said.

So basically the same thing.

Peri’s POV

This.. What ever it is, is beating us. I sigh, all I wanted was to rest for a bit that is all I ask, And its not even dying..Right doors of death open yadadadada

I was so happy just curled up next to Leo and then this thing just comes out of nowhere.

"I’ll hold it of you guys run!” Leo shouts.

“No Leo if we leave you, will die, besides you don't even know how to use a sword.” I yell.

“Just go!” He yells, “NOW!’  Eli grabs my arm and drags me out of there.

“Eli what the hell he’s going to die” I shout at her. And the entire building sets on fire.

“LEO!” I scream. I stare at Eli, she is just staring wide eyed, Oh my gods Leo....Leo... just died... We stand outside the motel for what seems like hours. And just when I start crying (and not the cute crying the full on hysteria with the wheezing) he comes out of the flames.

“Leo!” I run to him and give him a big hug.

“Miss me much?” He says smiling.

I punch him hard. “You ever do that again I will murder you” I shout at him.

“How did you do that?” Eli asks. I almost forgot about Eli, and of course she asks all the logical questions.

Leo puts his hand out and fire dances along his palm, “See” he says grinning. Eli gives a gasp the exact time I say “Cool!” I gaze into Leo's dark sexy eyes, and we both lean in and... Eli smacks my arm.

"We're on a quest! There's not time for love! Oh gods cant you be logical for one second of your life?" Eli yells.

“Excuse me?” I say. “What. did. you. just. say?” I say slowly pausing between my words.

“I think I said something along the lines of, you’re dumb and always putting guys before me.” She retorts with a fake glossy smile.


“You heard me.”

I was just about to yell when Leo interrupted.“So where are we going to go next?” Leo asks.

“Ask Eli! She’s sooo smart, she knows everything! Don’t bother asking me, my dumb might be contagious!” I scream hysterically.

“No, I wouldn’t want a guy to give me attention. That might be too devastating for Peri! I wouldn’t precious Peri to get hurt!” Eli screams back louder, okay this is getting scary.. Eli does act a lot like Ares and all but I never thought she would be screaming like this at me.

The Daughters Of The War God - Τηε Δαθγητερσ Οφ Τηε ςαρ ΓοδWhere stories live. Discover now