Chapter 13

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Peri’s POV

Okay let’s get something straight. I do not, and I repeat do not, like Micheal. No offence but he kind of scares me, the way he always looks at people as if he is judging the easiest or most painful way to kill them. And the only reason I’ve been so desperate was because Leo needed to feel as if I didn’t want him.  Okay I know I sound really shallow right now and I probably am. Buuuuuuut it was for a good cause!

“Sooooo…” Leo starts as soon as Michael leaves.

“Shut up.”

“At least some things never change..” Leo says with a sigh.

“Whatever.” I say.

“What happened between us?” Leo suddenly asks.

I just shrug... “My sister liked you and I didn't think it was fair for her to get hurt...but..”

“But now she likes someone else……”Leo finishes.

“Yeah.. I guess.. I don’t know..”

“So why can’t you be with me?” Leo asks, “Because you like Michael too.” He answers himself.

I give myself a secret smile. My evil plan was working.

“I don’t like him.” I answer Leo’s prayers.

“You don’t?!” Leo says surprised.

“Of course not! Haha!”

“Then why did you basically beg for his attention?” He asks.

“To make you……” I mumble.


“To make you..jealous…okay!”

“.......Well….. it worked..” Leo replies and I start laughing.

“I was about to beat him up!” Leo continues and joins in the laughing.

“Baby please you would probably be a broken mess if you tried to beat him up!” I laugh.

Leo stops laughing and stares at me.

“What….? K fine you would just be paralyzed not a broken mess.. better?”

“You called me baby..”

“Umm..I call everyone that…”

“That means something to me..”Leo says looking hurt.

Uhh how in the name of hades do I reply to that??

“Well yeah… I mean like… umm you know…” someone please come save me, “I’m sorry…?”

Yup I think that is probably the smartest thing to say… Lame but smart.

“Why are you sorry?” Leo asks.


“Do you think there’s a chance for us?” Leo asks suddenly.

“Yes.” I say firmly surprising myself and Leo.

“Really?” Leo asks, I see the desperateness in his eyes. And it’s making me feel mushy.

“Of course. Leo I like you and being well like what we are right now is killing me.” I say honestly and trying to not let my voice break.

“Could we like ever go back to what we were?” Leo asks. Oh gods. Is he asking for me back??

“Can we?” I reply genuinely asking him.

“I want you?” He says quietly.

“Yeah…” Obviously I want to be with him.

The Daughters Of The War God - Τηε Δαθγητερσ Οφ Τηε ςαρ ΓοδWhere stories live. Discover now