Chapter 3

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The two girls had helped three demigods. Well, it depends what you think helping is. 

The first people they had helped was a girl named Thalia and her brother Jason. A Neamean Lion was attacking them, so Eli and Peri helped finish it off. It did die, don't get me wrong buutt, it died for 2 seconds. So the group of four ran into a cave, to take shelter.

"Wow!" Eli said, "You're really good at this!"

"Well if you have to run from monsters our entire lives, I think we're probably good at this!" Jason replied kindly.

"So.." Peri bats her eyes, "You seeing anyone?"

"Um.." Jason stutters, "Well like yeah...Sorry?" 

"Oh." Peri says downhearted.

"Is there anything me and my sister can do to help?" Eli interupts to avoid anymore awkwardness.

"Well we might need some ambrosia," Thalia speaks, "Do you know where we could find some?"

"We have some, don't worry!" Eli smiles warmly as she passes the godly food. 

"Thanks! Well see you!" Tahlia puts it into her backpack and leaves the cave. 

"Yeah.. what she said! Um well, good luck!" Jasons adds awkwardly then leaves the cave.

"CALL ME!" Peri screamed out.

The third person they helped was a boy named Leo. This Leo guy had kept trying to flirt with them, and boy was he failing.  It was just embarassing to watch. 

"Soo you come here often?" Leo gives an annoying smile with a wink. Eli looks and him and then away. 

"Shut up." Eli responds.

"Kay fineeeeeeeee! Sheesh!" Leo turns to Peri, "Sooo you come here often?" 

"Shut up." 

"Well well, looks like you two have been deprived of a little Leo time!" He puts his arms around the pissed off girls.

"Don't worry girls, there's enough Leo to go around!" He grins. Eli and Peri look at eachother and then punch him in the gut in unison. 

"You know," Eli began while walking away from the fainted Leo, "we technically helped him." 


"If we let him continue, he would just keep embarassing himself!" Eli finished.

"Exactly! We are basically angles!"  Peri laughed as the they sat down to wait for Apollo's return.

Peri's POV

"My one true love left" I yell at Eli.

She just roles her eyes and says. "Oh so this is the 50th true love thats gone right?"

I smack her arm hard. "You know I'm sensitive about that!" I say to her.

"Yeah, yeah.." she mutters, she goes back to whatever shes doing, while I keep thinking about Jake... Jason? or whatever his name is, we have a real conection I can feel it. 

Eli's POV 

I swear I have seen him before. That boy with the sea green eyes. I know I have, but I just don't know where from! I glance over at Peri, her mouth is open and drooling and she has a dreamy smile. She's probably thinking about that Jason guy we met, I feel bad for him. When Peri likes a guy, well no. She doesn't ever like guys. She loves them. And then she chases them across the world just to be with them, ohhh well. Don't get us wrong. We don't care about other people. We are children of Ares, we are cold blooded killers with a fiery rage.

But we are also children of Aphrodite. The goddess of love, so that explains Peri. She has always been a little bit more like mum, aka boy crazy, and I have been like dad. 


"Peri." Eli shoots Peri a warning look. After years of being alone, they understood what this meant. Peri jumps up and picks up her bow and arrow, Eli the same but with her tomahawk. They go back to back and a prepare for a fight. 

Then out of no where, a guy whose wearing shades and black leather apears in front of them. The two girls suddenly fill with rage. "Who are you?" Peri spits out. 

"Leave or die." Eli hisses venomously.

"Now then thats no way to talk to your father." 

The Daughters Of The War God - Τηε Δαθγητερσ Οφ Τηε ςαρ ΓοδWhere stories live. Discover now