Chapter 11

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Eli's Pov

“So when are we leaving?” Michael asks.

“Wait, we?”

“I thought maybe I could come with you guys since I don’t know any other demigods.”

“How about camp-half blood?” I ask.

“Never heard of it” he shrugs.

“I suppose you could come with us”

Peri drags Leo out of the tent “You moron get out so we can get ready” She yells at him.

“Peri.. that’s animal abuse!” Michael exclaims. And Peri of course gives him her pearly smile.

Leo looks at Peri and then at Michael and then back at Peri. “WHATS GOING ON HERE?"

“Leo… we don’t have time for this.” I say exhaustedly, “We’re leaving in five minutes. If you aren’t ready, you aren’t coming.”


Everyone jumps up and starts packing up. Good. I look around, I already packed my bags last night.. HOW AM I NOT A CHILD OF ATHENA??  I pick up my bag and turn around and jump up! Michael is right behind me, how is he ready already??

“I packed my bags last night too…” he replies to my thoughts. How did he.. right my ‘eyes reveal too much.’

“Wellll…..” I try to think of an excuse to get away from him.

“Don’t tell me you have to ‘study the maps’.”


"Whattt? Noooooo I wasn't going to say.. that.." I say, what in the name of hades is going on?? Usually I can lie like that *imaginary click* but with this guy I just can't..


“What do you want from me?” I ask angrily.

“Why are you avoiding me?” He replies with a smile.

“Ugh I hate when you reply to my question with a question!”

“You know you love me..”

I just remain silent.

“Do you like me?”Micheal suddenly asks.

This question startles me, “What?” And couldn’t you just ‘reaaad myyy eyyeesss’?”

“No.” He says shocking me again.

“How come?” I ask suddenly interested.

“Because their keeping that hidden.”

I just roll my eyes.

“You’re annoying.” I say.

He just gives me a smile in return.

 “Heeey guys” Peri says.

Leo’s POV

So no one asks me how I feel.. I mean I’m a man. Leo doesn’t have feelings. Bu-ut iffffff someone asked how I was feeling maybbeeeeeee I would like it.

“Sup, Leo” Michael enters my tent.

“Hey, whats up?”  

“Um, the girls are ready to go and Peri says that if you don’t come in two minutes their leaving without you.”

“Okay, I’m almost done...” I say still pretending to pack up.

“So.. um what happened last night?”

“You know the usual, I tell a girl how I feel about her and she blows it in my face.” I answer casually, I’m used to it now it doesn't really bother me. Well it hasn’t. Ever since I met Peri she has the power to destroy me in a second if she wishes. And she almost did.

“That….must...suck...” he answers awkwardly. No shit.

“Um yeah, I;m ready lets go.” I say.

When we get out of the tent Peri gives Michael a smile that she used to give me. And that brilliant stunning smile turns into a frown when she sees me.

“Guess we gotta go... its been two minutes.” She says.

“Wow you almost sounded like you were gonna leave without  me.” I say, trying out my most dazzling smile.

Peri rolls her eyes, “Whaaaaat no. we weren't going to leave without yo!u”

“Sure, you forcing us out of bed at 5 am, and by us I mean Michael and I, and tried to make us leave totally means that you wanted Leo to come!” Eli shouts from across the camp.

"Girls are complicated creatures!” Peri shouts back. I’ll say… “ Leo’s like the best, i mean he is the best like who wouldn't love him?" She bursts in a scream on the last word. Yup, anyone who meets her will know she is overly dramatic but I think it's cute. She’s cute. Everything about her is cute,  ”

“Good to know.” I reply acting like I didn’t hear that her words were laced with sarcasm.

She doesn’t reply she just frowns.

“Nice to know I won’t be the only guy on this trip!” Michael slaps on my back hard.

“OWWWWWWWWWW!” I whine rubbing my back.

“I spoke too early…” He sighs.


Sorry this is short, we have had exams. We'll go back to trying to post dayly! <3 <3 

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