Chapter 26

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Eli's POV

I hate men. Scratch that. I hate humans. Wayyy too complicated. Like what the hell was Michael doing with that emotion thing. To be honest, I think I’d be happy with a plant.  Like buy me a pot plant and a 4 story house and I would be content never talking to another human-demigod again.

When we find Peri I'm going to part ways with Leo and Michael forever, find Phineas and get on with my life. But for now I'm stuck with them. Okay, I'm not stuck with them, I need them to help me find her.

Well I mean in my ‘episode’ I almost abandoned Peri out of jealousy…..yeah….BUT IN MY DEFENSE…. Kay I don’t really have an excuse…..

“Um.. you have your equipment?” Michael comes through and leans on the doorway. His voice is thick. Its obvious he’s been crying.

So have I.

“Um…” I cough before continuing. “Yeah everything is in place…” Wow.. I sound a lot more depressed than I intended.

He stays silent for an entire minute before saying “Um... need help with anything…?”

I look up and see him shifting from foot to foot not making direct eye contact. I can’t believe only days ago he had me pinned to the wall making out. And now he can’t even look at me...

“Well.. I am pretty much done.. but you could help carry this to land..” I suggest shyly. I think we’re flirting. But our puffy eyes and saddened voices somehow brings it down.

“Sure.” Without hesitation he picks up the bag filled full of ambrosia and nectar and weapons.

“Thanks.” But he is already out of the room and half way down the stairs.

Peri’s POV

“I’m surprised you don’t recognise me..” The familiar faced stranger scratches his chin thoughtfully.

“Um…..” I stay silent for like an entire minute before the realisation hits me…. How could I not have seen this before… It’s so obvious, gods sometimes I’m like super stupid..

“Ohhh sorrryyyy! I See it now!” I laugh slapping my forehead.

“Yeah! Hahaha! I knew you weren’t that dumb!” He starts laughing as well.

“YOU’RE ZEUS!”  I start giggling.

“Hahahahahahah - what?” He suddenly stops. “Are you serious? Because just saying I’m a LOT better looking than-”

And suddenly thunder claps.

“I mean…..He is so perfect and I look like Taturus scum compared to the great ruler Zeus….BETTER??”

I try to think he might be….- “I AM YOUR FATHER” The god finally loses his patience.

“DADDY!!” I scream out, then I remember our last encounter and my tone changes. “Oh...Daddy….”

We both paused and shifted from foot to foot and then I finally spoke up,

 “Well bye.”

 "What? You just got-”

“So where’s the exit? Here...or……..” I start walking around.

“There isn’t an exit..” He says as I try to break through the white wall.

After numerous attempts to kick it down I say,“Somethings wrong with these walls.” I point to the walls.

“No its just most sane people don’t try to break down a wall-”

“Stand back..” I take a couple steps back crack my knuckles and shake my hands.

“Wait what are you do-”

“AHHHHHHHHHHH!” I run headfirst into the wall and black out.

I rub my head well that didn’t work...

“Where you born retarded or do you actually take classes for it?”

I ignore his stupid question. “So can I like go back to Eli and Leo and Michael or can you send me back to..?” I ask then my voice dies out. Suddenly the atmosphere drops and silence is all I hear.

“I know..” He says helping me up and pats my shoulder. “Even Hercules hasn't faced this monster.. It’s ancient….even before my time….”

“When this is over you’re sending me back?” It comes out more of a question than a statement.

“I have to. Zeus is only letting me talk to you because of your…….. situation.”

“So you’re going to send me back to that thing even though its going to kill me?” I ask quiet and grave. I don’t recognise my own voice. “What kind of father would do… their own daughter?” I choke back tears.

“A kind of father who will hate himself for the rest of his undying days..” I’m not convinced but I just shrug.

“Okay, okay um… well lets see, first you getting kidnapped was no accident…” He pauses and I guess waits for me to catch up because he thinks I’m stupid.

I know sometimes…...all the time...I seem a little ( a lot) stupid. But I can be smart. If I try really hard…. And I understand what people say, I’m not retarded…. or am I? I don’t even know, but I can’t be that stupid.

I wonder how Eli has put up with me for so many years, I mean if Eli was the dumb one and I was the smart one I would just take off.

I just realized that Ares is still staring at me  “Yeah…...and……?”

“They were expecting us gods to trade something for you…. because they think you  might be a god or something.” He pauses again, If he’s looking for a reaction from me he isn’t going to get it.

“Yes I get it, you don’t need to pause every 10 seconds I’m not retarded.”  

“Never said you were, Anyway Zeus refuses to trade you. Apparently, ‘you’re not valuable enough’. But in actual fact, you...could be an asset to *cough* Gaia. You need a plan to escape, I can’t help you.”

“Some help you are.” I mutter under my breath.

“I don’t fight my childrens battle. But remember this,” He pauses, “the monster’s name, is Androkles.” His voice fades out and the light vanishes.

I wake up, back in the demented cave. And all I know is its name! How is that going to help?






The Daughters Of The War God - Τηε Δαθγητερσ Οφ Τηε ςαρ ΓοδWhere stories live. Discover now