Chapter 19

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Michael’s POV

Is Leo acting stranger than usual or is it just me? I guess I can never really be sure with that boy....

No ones here... For the love if all the gods how is it possible to get lost in a yacht?

"Peri? Eli?" You guys in here?" I yell out into the egine room.. I’m gettng suspicious..

“Hellooo..?” I walk down the metal steps and get thrown face first by a sharp turn.. Oh gods not this again!

I grunt and try to ignore the throbbing in my arm as I get up and run up the stairs.

“Leo what the hell was that??” I yell and he turns to me. A yellow glint in his eyes and a malicious smile. What?? And then I turn and see where we’re headed. The Sirens. NO! If.. if Leo sees my greatest desire.. he’ll know...everyone will know..

Then I hear their beautiful voices beckoning to me I have to follow the voices. They’re telling me to go to them….

Leo’s POV

What the hell? someone please explain to me whats going on… One second I can’t control anything then the next I can…I look at Michael he’s entrance and is running towards...towards the monsters with sharp teeth and skeletal bodies. Why am I not entranced? I touch my ears and I feel something….WAX! I have wax! Okay thatas kind of gross but still…

“Michael!” I yell out.

He’s ignoring me. Nothing new but..somethings…


I look to where his eyes are looking so intensely at and follow them.. oh… gods…

“MICHAEL!” I scream, but it doesn’t stop him at all.

“STOP! STOP OR…. I WILL KISS ELI!” I know gross but I thought it would get his attention… obviously not.. He dives into the suddenly dark ocean and starts swimming fast as if he is escaping something..or is running to it.

 Instead of trying to stop him on land I jump after him.

Peri’s POV

“LET ME GO!!!” I scream out.

“Shut up mere demigod!” My captor spits.

“Why is Hades doing this? What have I ever done to Hades?” I yell a bit weaker.

“Who ever said it was Hades?” Wait what? Oh my gods if it isn't hades then I’m as good as dead… And this really terrifies me.

“Then could you please answer one question? WHO ARE YOU TAKING ME TO?” I try yelling but my voice comes out quiet instead. He doesn't answer.. urgh this is so frustrating… why wont he just tell me where were going and get it over with?

“If you don’t I swear-”

“SHUT YOUR MOUTH! OR DO YOU WANT TO DIE?”  It screams then kicks me in my ribs. Ow, I know I’m a demigod and I should be prepared for things like this…. But I don’t know what to do. Yeah I know some demigod I am. But I’ve always been with Eli. And together we were powerful. But ever since the guys have come and separated us we’ve become weak.. Wait was that Leo’s intention?? To get me away from Eli long enough for me to be defenseless????? Or was it Michaels? I dont know anymore…  Suddenly we come to an abrupt stop.

“Speak or show any emotion you will die. And it won't be by my hand.” The creature said. And somehow...I believed it.

Eli’s POV

I somehow escape from Nemesis enclosure and fall back into reality. Somehow reality meant I fall into my own vomit. Great. Great. Great.

“Ew….” I say getting up.

I look around the room. It looks...different somehow…. Like more trashed and more bloodstained.. I close my eyes and imagine a scenario..


“NO! LET ME GO!” Peri says her arms pinned to the floor. Someone stronger and faster is holding her down..

“Eli, Leo, Michael! HELP” I can see tears in her eyes she looks desperate and then the figure, he takes her somewhere. Somewhere where they have the upperhand.. The blood trail ends at the door, either they drag her or somehow magically evaporated.


I have to find Leo and we have to find Peri. I hate her sometimes, she’s annoying, self absorbed, girlish, wait what was I trying to say… RIGHT I love her.

I run upstairs hoping the boys will be there, No luck then i see them swimming.. the stupid mutherfakers! Ughh.

“SERIOUSLY! ITS 15 DEGREES OUT AND YOU’RE SWIMMING????” I scream angrily. Then I take a closer look.. Michael’s swimming away from Leo.. And going towards… Suddenly a beautiful song comes over me and lures and draws me to them..

The Daughters Of The War God - Τηε Δαθγητερσ Οφ Τηε ςαρ ΓοδWhere stories live. Discover now