Chapter 17

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Leo’s POV

“Try to steer us out of here!!!” Michael shouts at me. I give him a nod then realise something..

“I DON’T KNOW HOW TO STEER A SHIP!!!!!” I scream loudly.

“LEO! WHAT THE HELL!?!? YES YOU DO!!” He screams back.




I look down and the controls and back at Michael.. Okay I’m guessing the spinny one is the steery thingy…

Here goes nothing! I grab ahold and turn it to the right violently causing the boat to have a sharp turn.

“Ah! Leo!!!” Michael screams.

 “Sorry, sorryy!!” I’m a child of Hephaestus for the love of the gods shouldn’t I know how to do this??

I look up to see Michael on the back of a gigantic slimy monster. Ew what in the name of hades.. Its huge and it has weird tentacles at both sides of its body…


“Shut up and get us away from it!!” Michael screams at me at the same time green goo shoots out of the tentacles and onto his face..

I close my eyes and take a deep breath… okay.. I can do this…..

Michael’s POV

Oh gods.. I have monster snot on me…

Sadly enough that’s not the first time I’ve said that….

The monster tries to shake me off it’s slimy back, oh yeah I’m on its back..

Unfortunately this is not the most disgusting monster I’ve faced over the years. … Oh my gods my life is sad.

A sudden sharp turn right throws me off and onto the hard wooden deck.

 “Ah! Leo!” I scream.. he just made this a whole lot harder for me.  

“Sorry” He shouts back. I get back up and charge for the monster’s back…..again.

After what seems like forever Leo finally manages to steer us away from the enormous creature. “Why did you take so long?” I ask him angrily as we move away from the view of the monster. Wow for a sea monster.. It can't really swim...

Monsters are weird...

“I was trying to figure out the controls, Okay?” Ηe tells me defensively.

“Be right back gotta check on the girls! They probably got shaken around quite a bit!” I say whilst walking low deck.

“I’ll come with ya or you could steer the ship while I go because Eli is still mad at you…” He says cockily.

Ugh smart Leo is just as annoying as ordinary Leo!


“There’s a good boy!” Leo says and pats me on the head. Ugh.

“Yeah yeah…”

Peri’s POV

When I wake up from the shortest nap ever, like literally 2 minutes. Then I glance at the clock...okay maybe not 2 minutes...more like 2 hours……. I think Im going to vomit, ew what did I even drink? No. Drinking is bad for my complexion and omg!!! It looked a little like water okay, okay I just really wanted to get drunk sue me...Well my skin obviously wants to sue me! OMG WHO AM I!!! AM I EVEN PERI???

When I get on my feet and walk over to Eli’s room she’s on the floor crying. Surprise, surprise! Okay I know that sounds mean but my head is pounding and I’m feeling dizzy so EX-CUSEEEE MEEEE!

“You okay-” Annnd I get thrown on the floor because the ship just went sideways. I think I’m going to be sick...Yup I’m definitely going to vomit..

But it looks like Eli got there before me.

“Ehhh ughhhhhHh” She vomits and holds her stomach. Yeahhh... this is really disgusting.. I wish I slept a little longer..

For what seems like an hour we get up and stumble around. Well I stumble. Eli slips in her own vomit and falls back onto the floor. This would be really funny but it’s too gross.

After that I must have blacked out or something, because the next thing I know Leo is leaning over me with a little grin.

“I see you left me a little gift!” He points to the vomit.

“No that wa-” I begin.

“Well okay maybe it’s not little!”

“Ugh Leo!” I sigh and try to sit up but the blood rushes to my head and causing heavy pounding. Ow Ow Ow!

“You ok?” He helps me up and onto the couch.

“My head hurts a bit..”

Leo starts touching my head tenderly and delicately.

“Shit. I mean allllllsssssss gooood! Lets just get some ice!”  Leo says with a grimace.

“Sure Leo sure…. What happened anyways? And where’s Eli?” I say suddenly concerned.

“Eli…? I don;t know haven’t seen her figured she’d gone to the other room….” He begins

“So you don’t know.” I start to get up and he stops me.

“No. You got knocked pretty bad. You’re staying.” He says fiercely.

“It’s okay I can get up and-” When I do try to get up everything starts spinning and I can see black spots and that’s the moment I realise Leo might be right…

“Okay okay you’re right!” I sit back down and let Leo look after me. “And thats the first and last time I’m ever going to say that.” He grins at me.

“Hold on a sec, I gotta go get Michael and start searching for Eli..” He gets up and leave.

Great I’m all alone in this room and I’m pretty sure I still haven't recovered.. Honestly I don’t even know why I drank in the first place… I’m going with my first theory the one with the evil love demon…

Just as I’m about to get up and try to leave to join the rest, something pins me to the floor.

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 look at the flower emoticooon! so cute!

and guys my friend Peri is moving to england and it would mean the world if you world if you would send a message making her stay with me! <3 

The Daughters Of The War God - Τηε Δαθγητερσ Οφ Τηε ςαρ ΓοδWhere stories live. Discover now